I was recently looking over the numerous threads on here filled with people belittling the idea of great graphics, in favour of a better story or game play. Sure, I understand this.. but the entire Gameplay>Story>Graphics argument is flawed and does not encompass the entire video game experience as a whole. (I will elaborate on my view point below..) I was just a moment ago trying to reply to a thread about this very issue, but it was locked due to the amount of console bashing that was happening before I could voice my opinion. This thread is NOT intended to bash consoles or bring up the PC vs. Console debate in the least, it is merely here to act as a survey of sorts -- just to be clear.
I will use, for reference's sake only, a quote I found in an older thread on a similar issue, and if you look through some of the other threads relating to graphics, you'll likely find very similar arguments with all sorts of derails back and forth from topic to topic, unfortunately. This thread, however, I wish only to be about personal opinions on whether or not graphics are important to YOU while playing any given game. Those of you in favour, this may be due to the increased immersion it provides, etc., and should not include opinions on why you think consoles are crap, and why PC's pwn, or vice versa. If you disagree with a pro-graphic approach, I want to hear why. Let's keep this as civil as possible, and in light of that, the quote I am going to use will be left anonymous. (My apologies to its original author, do not take this as a direct attack if you recognize your statement here. I am only using it as an example amongst many others I have seen, in order to demonstrate the varieties of viewpoints and my arguments against some of them). Hope I've made myself clear so far, so without further adieux, here is where I stand:
These are A L L important aspects of a video game. I would rather play a game with great graphics and a great story as WELL, over a game with poor graphics and just a great story. What is wrong with ensuring technology and "eye candy" is up to date with the cutting edge, while still maintaining a strong story line and game play mechanic? It would take JUST as long to implement a previous version of Direct X, etc. over a newer version into a game engine to ensure its visual depth is as robust as its intended story. Game play and story alone does not define a video game, you also have to traverse a 3-dimensional world in order to experience the story. If it isn't as believable as it could be graphically, unless done on purpose and it was the intention of the art team to begin with (WoW, for instance), the immersion factor will suffer accordingly. All elements of game development work together and complement one another. If graphics don't matter, why not just stick with the old NES and we can all play Zelda? It had a fantastic story, great game play for its time, so why should we have to improve technology to make video games better, right? Wrong. We owe almost all developments over the years leading to the modern technology we see today in our video games to the fact that developers pushed the envelope and engineers decided to manufacture more powerful components. That's like saying the Lord of the Rings movies should have been shot in a basemant somewhere, who cares about how the world is presented? Why did they need to hire a CGI team in the first place when they could have just painted a dog black and gave it a lizard mask, slapped some wings on it and called it a dragon.. the contradictions in all these arguments you guys bring up are astounding. All advancements in tech ensure the immersion factor can advance along with it. Write a damn good story, absolutely.. who doesn't want a great story to experience in a 3d world? At the same time, why not make the world as visually stunning as possible for those who have the option.. how will that ever NOT benefit the experience as a whole? What.. in the world.. is wrong with that?
The thing is, EVERY ES GAME has eyecandy and amazing gameplay and depth
