Here's another random suggestion. Stop mirroring textures. I'm not entirely sure on this one, but I believe that in Morrowind, there was always a full texture for each face of a house - when indoors, each wall had one texture that covered the entire thing one time. I'm not talking about the support columns or the ceiling beams, I'm talking about the actual stone/canvas/wooden
wall. In Oblivion, lots of areas (especially outdoors on the Ayleid Ruins) seemed to have a half-width texture which they mirrored to cover the entire model. Looks terrible, especially now that artists are working at resolutions high enough that let you see every little stain, crack, and piece of grunge repeated 8 times across.
Martin Septim sounded a bit like Sean Bean, was it him?
This is going to make some people (Rumpleteasza) really angry, but I don't get the big deal about Sean Bean. I could kind of understand there being some coolness factor in having Patrick Stewart speak to you in person, but I didn't find anything cool about Martin murmuring to you in his gravelly, 30 decibel voice. Then in combat, he starts shrieking like he's constipated and is louder than the combat music.