I recently (about 2 weeks) purchased crysis 2(disc version) and have been playing both single player and multiplayer often.It installed the 1.8 patch by itself during installation.
In single player I have come to the part where Hargreave asks you to go find the alien hive when I encountered
some strange graphics glitches.
Firstly, sometimes the weapons seem to blend into the background and at other times they are normal and sometimes they are completely yellow. Also the background completely yellow when I look far away is and the objects can be seen only when I go closer(the background is still yellow).I have never encountered anything like this until now. Mulltiplayer seems fine though.
I am running this on a laptop. It is an XPS 17.It is about 2 months old.Everything is stock and i updated the graphics drivers about 6 days ago.The problem started only today when i reached this level.
CPU- i7 2720QM
GPU- nvidia GT555m
Is it a problem with my version of the game or is it more serious like a problem with my GPU.(like it overheating or dying).
Ill post some screen shots in a few hours. But until then please try to tell me what the problem is.
Thank You