Graphics Quality PC vs Console

Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:41 am

I just recently finished building my First pc and bought a few games, and noticed the graphics quality wasnt so good as i remembered on xbox360 such as bioshock. Deus Ex: HR doesnt look highly defined on on the highest resolution and on the best aa settings. Im wondering if getting things to look satistfieing on a pc is harder to do. I cant stand seeing this rough edges in small details, on the console I didnt see any rough edges at all, i dont understand, I thought that the PC would have better graphics or at least not less quality as any console. When Skyrim comes out and I see questionable quality, Im not going to happy. Please enlighten me, anyone....

AMD HD 6870
AMD Phenom II 4x 3.4ghz
8gb of ripjaws X ram
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carly mcdonough
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:15 am

I just recently finished building my First pc and bought a few games, and noticed the graphics quality wasnt so good as i remembered on xbox360 such as bioshock. Deus Ex: HR doesnt look highly defined on on the highest resolution and on the best aa settings. Im wondering if getting things to look satistfieing on a pc is harder to do. I cant stand seeing this rough edges in small details, on the console I didnt see any rough edges at all, i dont understand, I thought that the PC would have better graphics or at least not less quality as any console. When Skyrim comes out and I see questionable quality, Im not going to happy. Please enlighten me, anyone....

AMD HD 6870
AMD Phenom II 4x 3.4ghz
8gb of ripjaws X ram

Well, a good gaming PC will kick the crap outta any console out in the market today! So, there must be some settings you dont have right I'm guessing. Really hard to say why your not getting better graphics over your console. Lots of different things can improve or even gimp your machine if not installed and set up correctly. Building a PC and setting it up right is not something you learn over night as I'm sure you already know. Wish I could be better help then that. Its just that so many things could be wrong its hard to say. Faulty hardware or settings not correct or even a bad install of windows and drivers can be to blame. PC's can be very frustrating at times but when its done correctly its awesome and I assure you that it rocks over any console out there!
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Crystal Birch
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 3:23 am

Could be any number of things sadly, from a crap monitor to you not understanding the settings on a PC game.
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Lucky Boy
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:48 am

This thread doesn't really fit on a Skyrim forum.

But if you want more specific help, take a screenshot of what you feel is an issue, so it's easier to comment on.
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:53 am

There was sumthing on newegg that explained between a good monitor for gaming and other different types x.x ~! so maybe ur monitor. Loading time might be better also if u have and SDD :o ~!
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Laura Richards
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:24 am

I just recently finished building my First pc and bought a few games, and noticed the graphics quality wasnt so good as i remembered on xbox360 such as bioshock. Deus Ex: HR doesnt look highly defined on on the highest resolution and on the best aa settings. Im wondering if getting things to look satistfieing on a pc is harder to do. I cant stand seeing this rough edges in small details, on the console I didnt see any rough edges at all, i dont understand, I thought that the PC would have better graphics or at least not less quality as any console. When Skyrim comes out and I see questionable quality, Im not going to happy. Please enlighten me, anyone....

AMD HD 6870
AMD Phenom II 4x 3.4ghz
8gb of ripjaws X ram

Is this even worth a comparison?? lol

I'm strictly a 360 gamer, and even I'll admit that the graphics on a PC will eviscerate the graphics on a console. lol

There really is no comparison. But fear not, OP. I'm sure that the PC version will have settings that will make your new rig work at capacity.

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Rebecca Clare Smith
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:03 am

This thread doesn't really fit on a Skyrim forum.

Tis true indeed but I'm sure we can help the guy out with his new PC so he will enjoy Skyrim and all the nice mods that will be made for PC users! :wink_smile:
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Ownie Zuliana
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:35 pm

Stupid topic is stupid
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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:07 am

Its all in the tinkering of the graphics settings, AA, AF ect. Its just a matter of getting it just right. Why even entertain the idea of taking several steps down and buy it for a console?
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Peter lopez
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