Graphics turn very dark, sound+interace still works

Post » Wed Mar 19, 2014 9:30 pm

This is... Totally baffling me. I turned a gigantic interior into an exterior to try to drastically reduce the memory consumption of it. And while this did greatly improve the memory, I'm still having a problem, where upon loading a cell, the screen turns very dark. It doesn't turn pitch black, very bright fog can still be seen, so can fire as subtle orange glows, and I can still hear my character breathing, stepping, or shooting an arrow.

But the screen just turns very very dark, dark enough that the game is basically unplayable, and nothing other than a reload can fix that. And I can't even load, as that becomes greyed out, and my only option is to go to the desktop or quit to main menu before reloading.

Can someone please tell me what is going on? I thought it was a bug caused by too much memory usage, but now that I reduced memory usage I'm 99% positive it's some other problem. Is there some fairly popular Skyrim mod which can make the screen do this? Is it some setting in the default graphics menu?... Can someone please explain what's going on? I'd really really appreciate it... This bug is like some type of mystery, that I feel helpless to do anything about.

Is the problem likely mod related or something else? Is it likely a graphics card issue???

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Chris Guerin
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Post » Thu Mar 20, 2014 8:50 am

If the game, and other things run fine on the card and it is this mod that is having issues, then it's not your card.

Did you adjust the lighting levels for the cell? Perhaps those were altered when you changed it to an Exterior cell

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Donatus Uwasomba
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Post » Thu Mar 20, 2014 3:17 am

Yeah I gave it custom lighting, for the exterior I made a duplicate of Blackreach, and then slightly altered the lighting and such of the duplicate (without altering Blackreach or anything vanilla in game) in the process, I chose to duplicate Blackreach, because it had the perfect lightning for an exterior that gets little to no sunlight at all.

There's the exterior world space, Elinunab Caves, and when I first enter them, or load them it looks fine. Like that. I have this auto load door, that connects to an interior cell, serving the dual purpose, of saving the containers I used in an earlier version of the mod, so nobody who previously used the mod would lose anything put in containers, and because I've read/heard connecting world spaces together can be buggy, so I put an interior world space between them.

However, upon entering the interior cell the screen goes very dark, like way too dark, and then... If I hold S, even while basically playing blindfolded I can still walk back into said exterior space AKA Elinunab Caves. But upon entering this interior, the very dark lightning follows me around everywhere, and my characters vision is permanently ruined- even if I go back to a cell where I could see fine previously. This picture being an example.

This being what happens afterward. This visual issue only happens when I use the autoload door to said interior cell, and if I walk back into the connected exterior the altered eyesight remains, yet if I center on cell on a different exterior world space not connected to said interior, it goes away. And when I walk back into the Elinunab Cave worldspace, it looks the way it should again, implying possibly some visual bug follows me from that one interior cell into any other immediately connected one.

Also said exterior looks the same in game as it does in the CK, but the interior cell looks very different in the Creation Kit than it does in game, where it's nearly pitch black.

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