I have been watching the progress of MW Combat mods for some time now, I would like to start out by saying thanks to everyone
working on finding ways to improve the vanilla MW click fest battle system. It's a big time undertaking, as I have found out
by play testing and or fiddling with/modifying any combat mod I could get my hands on. I have tested Realistic Combat the most,
and have modified it for personal use / testing, and I have just recently been checking out GV as well (and Wolvman's simpler
combat mod that just adds 100% hit chance for the player, Realistic Striking PC only)... and well, I finally just had to sign
up here and share my findings (instead of just being a silent reader). So, here is the most important breakthrough I had
(or at least I think it could be a breakthrough in the right hands)...
I found a way to modify damage received by the player from creatures or NPCs, without having to change strength settings or
change the difficuly slider. I did it by detecting when the PC is hit (GetSoundPlaying - health damage) and modifying their
current health by subtracting a certain amount whenever the pc gets hit (with ModCurrentHealth). Now my scripting knowledge
goes only as far as what I gleaned from looking at and modifying these mods and reading MWScriptingForDummies, so maybe this
isn't as big as I think it could be, but, It seams like someone who knew how to attach it to npcs, and or creatures could
detect when they're hit by the player, giving you a way to increase damage depending on the situation, most importantly like
when your weapon skill is higher, you could increase the damage to reflect that, and or use it to add critical hits, or both.
Also, you could have it modify current fatigue(stamina) or even magicka if special attacks were used. The possibilities seem
huge to me, but I know very little about what I am doing with scripting, so I don't know if it would be possible for sure.
I also know there are other sounds that could be used to add damage to spell attacks as well, such as destruction hit, and
others. Anyway, the scripting needed to pull off the cool stuff with this method is beyond me at the moment, but I thought
If I shared it here maybe someone could make something awesome with it. I give full release to anyone wanting to use this,
I just want Morrowind's combat to match the graphical enhancements that I have been adding in lately

(and once again, Thanks to the authors of Gratuitous Violence, Realistic Combat, Depth Percption and others, they really
inspired me, and the effort you put in to make them is greatly appreciated). Here's the simple test script, which started
out from modding Wolvman's realistic striking. BTW, Thanks for uploading that Wolvman. :
Begin Test_script_101
Float MCHtimer
Float MCHmult
If ( Player->GetAttackBonus < 100 )
Player->SetAttackBonus 200
If ( Player->GetDefendBonus >= 0 )
Player->SetDefendBonus -100
Set MCHtimer to ( MCHtimer + GetSecondsPassed )
Set MCHmult to 0
Set MCHmult to ( MCHmult + Player->GetHealth )
Set MCHmult to ( MCHmult * -0.05 )
If ( Player->GetWeaponType >= 0 )
If ( Player->GetSoundPlaying "Health Damage" == 1 )
If ( MCHtimer >= 2 )
Player->ModCurrentHealth MCHmult ;-3 ;-0.25
Player->ModCurrentHealth -2
Set MCHtimer to 0
Right now I have it set to take a percentage of current health + 2 points every time any creature or npc hits the player,
but the ModCurrentHealth (damage) Multipliers could be set to anything and be changed depending on the situation, you
could even have it heal someone under the right circumstances... unless I am missing something of course

Anyway Thanks
for reading my ramblings... This is my first post, so go easy on me