[RelzBeta] Gratuitous Violence

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:08 pm

Glad you're working on both mods (I'm a fan of both :D). Have you tried the Animation compilation? I don't know if the animations fix anything because I haven't actually used them in game yet, but it has new one-handed attack animations. I'm not sure about the other attack animations though.. But it may help with the dagger attack speed (possibly?).
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:16 pm

Julian Ross updated his http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1204591-julianross-top-100-morrowind-mods-ever/ - now you can read a description of each mod and find links to Anatares' combat mod and tweaks. I find some of the Juliano's suggestion quite nice, e.g.:
- Alternate Daggerfall-style combat controls (an option in http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1179155-shelter-from-magnus-blaze-6/)
Its main merit is that it simulates you really holding a weapon - as if it were your mouse. If you move the latter laterally as soon as you attack, you will have a slash attack; if you move it vertically, you will have a thrust attack; if you move it diagonally, you will have a chop attack. This brings a lot of immersion factor in the equation.

That's not all there is to say: do you recall that each weapon type has its own damage ranges, varying according to the type of attack (slash, thrust, chop) you execute?
For example, a spear deals way more damage with a thrust rather than a slash or a chop; a long blade prefers a slash attack and a blunt weapon prefers a chop one. But will you be able to execute the better types of attack according to your wielded weapon in the flur of a fight? You will also have to focus on aiming, dodging and switching between offensive and defensive mode with Realistic Combat ticked on... or you will also have to focus on timed blocks with Blocking reflex ticked on... No, you won't be able to accomplish it with ease, so that's great for your combat experience.

As if it weren't enough goodness, this modification will also lower the attack frequency, since you will also have to move the mouse and it won't be possible to spam left mouse button clicks...
Alternate combat controls in MGE XE no longer stop player movement when mouse button is down like in normal MGE.
- http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=8355
In my opinion, so far the best pick if you want your combat more action-based: among combat mods, it's the
most similar one to the Oblivion system, and it's the only one which, beside the 100% hit chance from both
you and NPCs, keeps a meaning to your progression with weapon skills, since the damage you produce raises
as you raise said weapon skills (above 90, the weapon will produce its maximum damage). As a result of what
I've just included between parenthesis, and also as a result of the fact that NPCs always hit too (if they
connect), this mod is also the only one who keeps a good game difficulty balance.

Note: Only use ONE version of this mod, so only choose ONE .esp file. Do not use more than ONE."


Some observations:
- as you see, the advantage of being able to always hit if you connect is something expolitable by NPCs too
--> balance, which was not accomplished by the other action combat mods.
- ... most of all, unlike other similar mods, you also see that it keeps a strong meaning to weapon skills,
linked with damage dealt, and Agility too (if you use version "50" or version "25".
- lastly, less damage is counterbalanced by the increased hits, or, said the other way round, the increased
hit frequency is made up for by the new damage values. So, it's always the same key word: balance.
- http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PY9HLQPI
Blocking reflex is an idea of mine, which I then shared with Arcimaestro Antares, whose renowned modding skills made this come true.

It's the only mod which highlights the need for timing your blocks, whose efficacy depends on both your own reflexes as a player and on your character stats, which are absolutely taken into account.

How does it work?
Basically you have to press (and keep pressed) a button (the Sneak key, which I advise you to assign to the right mouse key) as soon as you see an enemy charging a blow directed to you... after half a second of pressure, you'll have max block chance (100% chance that the damage received is fully absorbed by your shield), but after that the efficacy will lower toward 0, in a gradual and quick way (the higher your base Block skill, the more time it takes to reach 0% chance of blocking).

In detail - an example:

let's suppose my character has 60 as the value in his Block skill.
Note: I remind you that 60 means that in Vanilla Morrowind you have a 30% (30 is in fact the half of 60 - that's how Vanilla Morrowind works) chance to block ( = damaged shield, but fully absorbed damage received from an enemy attack), if your shield is at a right direction angle.
If I go around with 60 Block Skill and I wield a weapon, a Drain Block 100 effetct is constantly active: that means that if I do not keep Sneak pressed, I will never ever block any attack. If I press Sneak key and keep it pressed, after half a second of pressure my Block skill raises a lot, so that I am guaranteed to block, provided my shield is at the right direction angle and the enemy attack comes right at that instant. My timing is rewarded for 1 second after the afore-mentioned half a second... afterwards, provided that I still keep the button pressed, my Block skill returns to its original value (my base Block skill of 60), and that means I have 30% chance of blocking, and this chance is managed by Morrowind probability calculations, just like in Vanilla Morrowind. After each second passes by, my Block skill lowers by a rate of 10, until it reaches 0.
Let's say it for the last time in another way: during a battle, I am positioned so that my shield is wielded and at the right direction angle; I press the Sneak function and keep it pressed: as a consequence, after half a second of pressure I get 100% blocking chance which lasts for 1 second. The next second I get 30% blocking chance, the next one I get 25% (25 is 50 Block skill halved), the next one 20% (20 is 40 Block skill halved), and so on... in conclusion, after a (total time) 7.5-second pressure, keep pressing is useless: Block has reached 0.
If I keep Sneak function pressed I get blocking chances, but I can't deal damage (all weapon skills are set to 0). If I do not keep it pressed, Drain Block is at its maximum and I can not block anything.
- http://arcimaestroantares.webs.com/combat%20tweaks.esp
This is another idea of mine, once again transformed into a plugin by Arcimaestro Antares.
It consists in some little tweaks which I think are essential in order to balance every possible aspect about the combat system I suggest (which is either non-action if you use Adul's advanced combat, or action (but still heavily stat-based) if you use Depth Perception + Alternate Daggerfall-style combat controls via MGE XE + Blocking reflex + Combat tweaks).

Here are the tweaks:

1) your maximum Fatigue is set to 4*Agility (Agility multiplied by 4): no more is it the sum of your Agility, Strength, Willpower and Endurance... why? In order to give back a solid meaning to Agility, which otherwise would lose all of his purpose in the new action combat system).
2) some TES CS game settings (related to hit range) are set to the same values Realistic Combat had set them... this implies that you must aim better to hit someone, but it also implies that you can try to dodge enemy attacks by moving at the right time if your character Speed is high enough...
3) the rate of progression in each melee weapon skill is lowered to be one third of the original value (this tweak was made necessary not by the fact that you hit a lot more from the beginning... it was made necessary since Depth Perception makes it so you need more hits to kill an enemy, especially in the initial phases of the game when your weapon skills are relatively low);
the rate of progression of Block skill is halved (since, with Blocking Reflex active, you are supposed to block more often than you did in Vanilla Morrowind)
4) the amount of Stamina lost when a block is registered is doubled... this tweak is made to prevent the player from focusing on timed-blocking too much.
But then again, you can not rely too much on defense when you're in a duel, can't you?
You will have to pay more attention to your Stamina from now on... be careful, because without any point in Stamina you will be temporarily knocked out.
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Josh Dagreat
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:34 pm

I recently downloaded this mod, and while I love the sound of it, it is unplayable.

I am currently having the CTD problems, and after reading this thread it sounds exactly like some previous troubles. Whether I set the configurations or not, a saved game will crash almost the instant I see my character, when everything has just finished loading. So just when I think I am scot-free, I get CTDed before I can move or do anything.

Also, I could find neither of the patches you mentioned named in the latest Morrowind Code Patch. So... Yeah, I am going to have to find something else until you fix this.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:49 pm

Logitech: Thank you. I found them rather interesting my self. After looking into each of them it seems that GV already covers everything that these mods cover. Still it's definitely nice to have variety.

FC4: Thanks for reporting that. I am trying SO hard to beat this annoying CTD problem that everyone is having but I haven't been able to nail it down yet. I'm getting closer and I've been able to lessen the chance that the CTDs occur but I have still failed at getting rid of the problem completely :banghead: .

As for the MCP patches, they can be found in the latest beta. I expected Hrnchamd to have updated the last version with the new beta content by now, but I can see that it isn't going to happen very soon. That would be a failure on my end. Link-> http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26348

Anyways, I'd like to say sorry to those experiencing CTDs with this mod. Just know that I'm working on it as much as possible.
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Emily Martell
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:23 am

Is there any possibility of you releasing a mod with just the new combat sound effects. I wouldn't want to use a mod like this until someone figures out a way to tie damage to weapon skills, but a purely cosmetic pack with improved sounds would appeal to me a lot.
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Bereket Fekadu
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:23 pm

2 questions:

1) does the "you always hit if you aim right" concept apply to NPCs too (and maybe creatures)?

2) Am I able to keep the Block button pressed, so I can always have the 100 Block boost, and be safe that I'll always block (if I hold the shield in the right direction angle)? I hope not, because then I do not need to time my block.
It's certainly better if the boost takes place only for a fraction of time after the initial pressure of the button, and then it fades away immediately afterwards, even if I keep the button pressed. :)

And, finally, good luck on balancing the mod.

As for the problem with Weapon Skills, I don't know what to suggest. Maybe, like many others have said, tie them tightly to the chance to land critical hits. I think it may be the best solution.

As for the problem with Agility, I can suggest you to make it so Stamina is calculated as Agility multiplied by 4, instead of being the sum of Endurance, Agility, Strenght and Willpower.

I am looking forward to seeing progress on this great mod. It certainly has the potential to become the ultimate combat mod for Morrowind.
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:43 pm

1) your maximum Fatigue is set to 4*Agility (Agility multiplied by 4): no more is it the sum of your Agility, Strength, Willpower and Endurance... why? In order to give back a solid meaning to Agility, which otherwise would lose all of his purpose in the new action combat system).

Any meaning at all given to the agility stat is a good thing to see in a revision of the Morrowind combat system, that's for sure.
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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:41 am

Clorf: I wasn't planning on it, but I might make one with the next version after I revamp some of the old sound effects. I just REALLY don't want to make several esp files if I don't have to until I get closer to a more finalized version. On a side note, I am currently working on a sound and ambiance overhaul mod that will include some (maybe all) of the new GV sound effects.

Julianross: Thanks. I'm definitely going to look into the critical striking idea.

1) Yep, the NPCs and creatures also get the 100% hit rate.

2) And yes, you can hold the block button down forever, but it automatically gets rid of the increased chance to block each time you try to attack. I did however make it slow your character down when you hold it up to help keep it balanced a bit better. It used to automatically remove the increased block skill after a second or two of holding down the button, but as I stated above, I found that MW's animations don't really play nice with that setup so I went for the current setup. Now if I ever get around to making new combat related animations I may be able to fix this little problem but I can't say for sure yet. I would definitely prefer the timed method of blocking if I could get it in without problems.

That's a good suggestion for the Agility attribute. I'll look into that and see what I can come up with once I've finished this RH update.
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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:45 am

I think Arcimaestro Antares doesn't really mind if you have a look at what he did in Blocking Reflex (for the timed blocking) and Combat Tweaks (to set Stamina as Agility multiplied by 4 instead of Stamina being the sum of Agility,Endurance,Strenght,Willpower).
So, feel free to download the 2 mods and have a look into them. :) They were both ideas of mine, so I'm sure he doesn't mind if you do.

As for Weapon Skills meaning, to tie them tightly to critical strikes chance, or (as you planned to do) unlock combos, are both good ideas.

Keep up the fantastic work.

Soon (after the balance) this will be a permanent addition to my top20 creme-of-the-crop greatest Morrowind mods ever.

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Farrah Barry
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:21 am

Don't implement Pursuit Enhanced inside.It's buggy and prone to crashes.

However, there actually is a way of scripting additional damage based on weapon skill

I'm not too familiar with MWSE script so I can't post the code itself, but I do know just a little bit enough to give a rough outline.

First, you need an unclickable dummy item(aka one that has no world icon).It can be added on a start script or when one picks up the C&E dagger(the first one's probably better for things like TC's and Alternate Beginning mods).
Whenever the player swings a weapon, how much it would be damaged is recorded in a var, as well as the item's health before the swing.
Then, your strength is increased based on your weapon skill and the dummy item's weight is set 5X of that bonus.
If it turns out you would break a weapon with that bonus, the equipped weapon's ref is saved.

Afterwards, the weapon health before hitting has the weapon health which would be removed at normal strength subtracted
from it(capped at 0) and that becomes the new item health.
Strength is reduced to normal etc. and everything is right with the world again. If your weapon broke and it shouldn't have, it's repaired slightly and reequipped.

As for NPC's, it is done by detecting when the player is hit.The cell is checked upon entry for the weapon health of all NPC's.When the player is hit, the cell is checked for NPC's close to the PC(or, if a marksman weapon is equipped, capable of seeing the PC) which can see the PC and which had a damaged weapon.Then, the player is damaged accordingly.
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Tiffany Castillo
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:42 pm

I know that PE can be a bit buggy, which is why I've implemented it into GV. So that I can fix the bugs myself and better mix it into the mod. In fact I've actually re-written some of the code to reduce the crashing and I intend to further improve it as time becomes available to me.

And speaking of the critical striking, I have nearly finished the script that allows it for the PC (will work on NPCs later). You pretty much summed up how the script works with a few differences, but it should simulate critical strikes rather seamlessly through the use of a strength bonus. I still have to code in the way it handles weapon durability before it will be completed, but hopefully it's not too far away from being completed. The chance of pulling off a critical strike is based both on your character's weapon skill and Agility so that should hopefully bring back some usefulness in those aspects.

I've also been working on breathing effects for the sprint, but finding clean breathing sound effects that loop nicely is rather hard. I really want to implement it in the next version as it makes a world of difference when sprinting, but I doubt I will have any new sound effects for females or beast races until much later.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:21 pm

I have been watching the progress of MW Combat mods for some time now, I would like to start out by saying thanks to everyone
working on finding ways to improve the vanilla MW click fest battle system. It's a big time undertaking, as I have found out
by play testing and or fiddling with/modifying any combat mod I could get my hands on. I have tested Realistic Combat the most,
and have modified it for personal use / testing, and I have just recently been checking out GV as well (and Wolvman's simpler
combat mod that just adds 100% hit chance for the player, Realistic Striking PC only)... and well, I finally just had to sign
up here and share my findings (instead of just being a silent reader). So, here is the most important breakthrough I had
(or at least I think it could be a breakthrough in the right hands)...

I found a way to modify damage received by the player from creatures or NPCs, without having to change strength settings or
change the difficuly slider. I did it by detecting when the PC is hit (GetSoundPlaying - health damage) and modifying their
current health by subtracting a certain amount whenever the pc gets hit (with ModCurrentHealth). Now my scripting knowledge
goes only as far as what I gleaned from looking at and modifying these mods and reading MWScriptingForDummies, so maybe this
isn't as big as I think it could be, but, It seams like someone who knew how to attach it to npcs, and or creatures could
detect when they're hit by the player, giving you a way to increase damage depending on the situation, most importantly like
when your weapon skill is higher, you could increase the damage to reflect that, and or use it to add critical hits, or both.
Also, you could have it modify current fatigue(stamina) or even magicka if special attacks were used. The possibilities seem
huge to me, but I know very little about what I am doing with scripting, so I don't know if it would be possible for sure.
I also know there are other sounds that could be used to add damage to spell attacks as well, such as destruction hit, and
others. Anyway, the scripting needed to pull off the cool stuff with this method is beyond me at the moment, but I thought
If I shared it here maybe someone could make something awesome with it. I give full release to anyone wanting to use this,
I just want Morrowind's combat to match the graphical enhancements that I have been adding in lately ;)
(and once again, Thanks to the authors of Gratuitous Violence, Realistic Combat, Depth Percption and others, they really
inspired me, and the effort you put in to make them is greatly appreciated). Here's the simple test script, which started
out from modding Wolvman's realistic striking. BTW, Thanks for uploading that Wolvman. :

Begin Test_script_101

Float MCHtimer
Float MCHmult

If ( Player->GetAttackBonus < 100 )
Player->SetAttackBonus 200
If ( Player->GetDefendBonus >= 0 )
Player->SetDefendBonus -100

Set MCHtimer to ( MCHtimer + GetSecondsPassed )
Set MCHmult to 0
Set MCHmult to ( MCHmult + Player->GetHealth )
Set MCHmult to ( MCHmult * -0.05 )

If ( Player->GetWeaponType >= 0 )
If ( Player->GetSoundPlaying "Health Damage" == 1 )
If ( MCHtimer >= 2 )
Player->ModCurrentHealth MCHmult ;-3 ;-0.25
Player->ModCurrentHealth -2
Set MCHtimer to 0


Right now I have it set to take a percentage of current health + 2 points every time any creature or npc hits the player,
but the ModCurrentHealth (damage) Multipliers could be set to anything and be changed depending on the situation, you
could even have it heal someone under the right circumstances... unless I am missing something of course ;) Anyway Thanks
for reading my ramblings... This is my first post, so go easy on me ;)
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:35 pm

First, welcome to the forums Zester! :wavey:

Now, onward to the brainstorming. Your idea is excellent for adding randomized additional strike damage. I had also once written a script similar to the one you posted above that looked for the "Health Damage" sounds and then used ModCurrentHealth to add extra damage in my earliest versions of GV. The only reason I had removed it was because of one rather large limitation with the script. It is unable to read which NPC/creature is striking the player so it would not be able to accurately pick up on stats when divvying out the extra damage. I wanted GV to take strength into consideration when an attacker swings. So far the only reliable way that I have found for dealing with this issue is using Strength enhancing scripts. But like (Insert name here) mentioned earlier, weapon durability becomes an issue when using this method.

Thank you very much for posting this. I'm always grateful when someone steps up and tries to offer ideas and suggestions to help improve a mod. If you come up with anything else please let me know. It might just seriously open my eyes to better alternatives to GV's current scripts :foodndrink: .
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Emmie Cate
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:54 am

Thanks for the warm welcome :)
I kinda figured there could be problems I was missing... if it worked though, it would be extremely handy,
as adding strength boosts and minuses seems to be buggy from most of the testing I have done, sometimes things
seem to get stuck and all of a sudden your over encumbered for seemingly no reason... What if you did take the
strength into account and used that to decide the multiplier? I noticed in Realistic combat that there were npc
scripts that got attached to any attacking npc, but not creatures, and my thought was if you put a script like
the one I had on the player onto an npc, and then checked for Player->GetStrength used the number to pick which
damage multiplier to apply and then when the sound played for the npc (I believe the same sound plays for npcs when
they take damage) mod the npcs health by whatever multiplier the players strength or weapons would be justified to apply.
I believe it could work in RC but I haven't tried it yet... and Also sorry for not talking more about GV, I really havn't
figured out MWSE scripting at all so I have little to base any guesses on yet... I did notice the same CTD issues others
were having on loading a save back in GV, and Personally I would prefer the creatures even the mudcrabs to mean something
like they used to, it seems like in RC you can run through any creature like butter, and in GV it seems some are now made
passive, which is an interesting take I admit (could be kinda nice not to have to have everything after you :) )...
I was just looking for a way to get creatures to hit for more damage at first, and came upon that method, and in RC
I could have it only apply to creatures by checking if the npc combat scripts were running, and only adding the extra
hit damage if you were hit when those scripts were off, meaning a creature was attacking you. After that I thought,
Hey this could be really handy if you could put it into npc scripts and determine how much damage the player would
do to the npc that way... Anyway, I'll keep thinking :)

One other note, you asked in the other thread if anyone could test the mwse mod with 100% hit for all actors,
and when I tried it, it didn't work properly for me, the creatures and npcs were still missing me... just an fyi
in case that helps, I also had trouble consistantly loading it properly from save games, my Mw install usualy CTDs on
about the fifth attempted load of a savegame per session, with both GV and the 100% all actors mod it seems to CTD
after one to two loads per session, don't know why yet.
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:31 am

With your mod installed, should I disable the Depth Perception mod since your mod changes the combat system?
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Crystal Clear
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:06 am

I actually find the two work well together, if you load CE Depth Perception after GV. The result is that the 100% hit rate of GV is overridden, making weapon skills and fortified attack worth something again, on top of the reduced damage output from not having 100 weapon skill.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:05 pm

Thanks for the warm welcome :)
I kinda figured there could be problems I was missing... if it worked though, it would be extremely handy,
as adding strength boosts and minuses seems to be buggy from most of the testing I have done, sometimes things
seem to get stuck and all of a sudden your over encumbered for seemingly no reason... What if you did take the
strength into account and used that to decide the multiplier? I noticed in Realistic combat that there were npc
scripts that got attached to any attacking npc, but not creatures, and my thought was if you put a script like
the one I had on the player onto an npc, and then checked for Player->GetStrength used the number to pick which
damage multiplier to apply and then when the sound played for the npc (I believe the same sound plays for npcs when
they take damage) mod the npcs health by whatever multiplier the players strength or weapons would be justified to apply.

Strength does seem to get a little messy at times, but I believe I've found some ways to prevent any weirdness in my scripts. Now using your method would work as well, except it leaves out one thing. What if the NPCs were getting struck by a different actor other than the player? The script would assume that the one hitting the NPC is the player, which in turn would use the PC's strength to determine how much extra damage should be slapped on rather than the one who is actually striking. If you use a script that is based on increasing the strength of an actor when it strikes, then it will always deal the correct amount of damage to it's target.

I did notice the same CTD issues others
were having on loading a save back in GV, and Personally I would prefer the creatures even the mudcrabs to mean something
like they used to, it seems like in RC you can run through any creature like butter, and in GV it seems some are now made
passive, which is an interesting take I admit (could be kinda nice not to have to have everything after you :) )...
I was just looking for a way to get creatures to hit for more damage at first, and came upon that method, and in RC
I could have it only apply to creatures by checking if the npc combat scripts were running, and only adding the extra
hit damage if you were hit when those scripts were off, meaning a creature was attacking you. After that I thought,
Hey this could be really handy if you could put it into npc scripts and determine how much damage the player would
do to the npc that way... Anyway, I'll keep thinking :)

Those darn CTD issues have been giving me so much trouble in both GV and RH (my Lycanthropy Overhual mod). Every time I believe I have fixed them I find out that I did nothing. I know that they are tied to the main MWSE scripts that I have written and I believe I know the reason it is crashing, so now all that is left for me to do is figure out the best way to fix it. Every release I try a new setup to prevent the CTDs and so far nothing has helped. I know I can get it to work as I've seen mods with other MWSE scripts that are very similar that don't cause CTDs, which means there's hope. With any luck I'll have fixed it by the next version so people can truly play GV.

The creature vs. player balancing issues are also present in GV just like they are in RC :sadvaultboy: , which is why I'm working on the creature overhaul portion of GV for the next version to help bring back challenging monsters. Unfortunately, I'm guessing it will take me a few releases to really nail the balancing down and get it to a fun point again.

One other note, you asked in the other thread if anyone could test the mwse mod with 100% hit for all actors,
and when I tried it, it didn't work properly for me, the creatures and npcs were still missing me... just an fyi
in case that helps, I also had trouble consistantly loading it properly from save games, my Mw install usualy CTDs on
about the fifth attempted load of a savegame per session, with both GV and the 100% all actors mod it seems to CTD
after one to two loads per session, don't know why yet.

Thanks for the heads up. I'm seriously thinking about making a modular version of GV now that it is getting larger, but at the same time I want to avoid making a billion esp files that I have to maintain and update. If I do decide to make it modular I will probably remake the realistic striking mod once I get the CTD problem fixed.

With your mod installed, should I disable the Depth Perception mod since your mod changes the combat system?

What Alexandr said :biggrin: .
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louise hamilton
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:48 am

It looks like the latest MGE XE includes new commands that allow us to read and set GMSTs in-game. I'm not sure how reliable this method would be but how about adding additional weapon damage to PC (based on PC weapon skill) via altering 'DamageStrengthBase' and 'DamageStrengthMult' GMSTs (MCP's 'Game formula corrections' enabled and while running MGE XE)?

edit: on second thought this method seems to be flawed... Both GMSTs affect not only PC, but also NPCs :(
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Jade Barnes-Mackey
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 11:09 am

Yep, I thought about doing that for V.1.4 but then I realized that same thing. Plus I really don't want to have to require GV users to use MGE XE unless it offers some seriously epic features.
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Gemma Woods Illustration
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 10:22 am

Ok, I guess I hadn't thought much about other actors attacking an npc, haven't ever seen much of that situation showing
up, but I guess companions would be one instance... Also the Mention of the StrenghtMult gmsts reminded me, I believe
I have noticed with the new Morrowind Code Patch gmst fixes, that it seems like you hit for more damage with a lesser
weapon. When I noticed this it seemed like Iron and Chitin Shortswords were hiting for more damage than a Silver
Shortsword when all other factors were the same. I am pretty sure it happened in GV, RC, and even the simpler 100%
hit mod. I am pretty sure it would be the same with no combat mod running, but I haven't had the chance to test it
further yet, so it could just be something on my end... Anyway, I am curious if anyone else noticed anything like
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Katy Hogben
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:54 pm

Well I don't believe that with GV Iron and Chitin weapons will hit for more than Silver (although there is always the chance of a bug existing), but all weapon damage has been increased dramatically in GV through the use of the Strength based GMSTs (probably a bit too much actually). If it does in fact increase the damage of the lower rated weapons more than the higher rated weapons then it is definitely something I need to fix. So if you find out for sure that this is the case, then please let me know and I'll jump on it.

Quick question for those who use GV. Are there any new sound effects that you find annoying, too loud, or too quite? I'm already planning on replacing a few for the next version that I didn't really care for so I was wondering if there are any in particular that I should replace while I'm at it. I don't want to base any decisions on what one or two people think about a sound since everyone has a different sound system for their PC, but if the majority of people that play with GV dislike a particular sound then I will definitely look into replacing it with a better one.
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Darren Chandler
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:19 am

Upon further testing of the lesser damage on higher weapons issue, It does not seem to happen in GV. However it does in RC and Vanilla(with setattackbonus 100 set through console). Still only tested it with short swords so far though. I wonder if it has to do with the MCP gmst fixes or not, as I don't remember seeing this happen in a non MCP Vanilla test, but I am gonna keep testing it to see if I am just missing something.
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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:32 pm

I've finally made some progress testing Gratuitous Violence, I came across an interesting idea in one of the Overhaul comments. The idea is using the console command "ToggleScripts"
before loading a save, and then again once its loaded to turn them back on. This seems to greatly reduce the amount of loadtime CTDs, Which has allowed me some time to playtest GV :D It's a great piece of work Wolvman, thanks for putting in all that work making it! Now, here's some things I would note,

1. GV seems to work pretty well with the "Welcome to the Arena" mod in my limited testing.
which is awesome, 'cause I always liked the Arena in oblivion and GV helps make the Arena combat more fun.

2. I like the sprinting and blocking functions they seem to be working well.

3. The backpedaling penalty, got stuck on me a couple times, but seemed to be fixable by running again with a weapon held up and ready
to strike (i.e. holding the attack/mouse button down). Also, It seemed to give the penalty even when running forward, is this by design?

4. I think it may take a while for me to fully decide about the sounds, but I like most of them. I did think that the short sword un-equip sound
would be better off sounding like the Longsword un-equip sound, though. I wasn't much for the current sound.

5. I wonder if the Magicka regen might be a tad fast, I was playing with a non magic focused dark elf character, 30 willpower, and maybe
40 intelligence (can't remember for sure), and had enough magicka to do a hearth heal again pretty quickly after having drained my magicka
to nothing. This allowed me to keep casting it pretty often during an arena battle.

6. I wonder if the Reflexive blocking penalty will interfere with alternate leveling systems Like Madd leveler and GCD. I remember the first time
I loaded GV, I had MADD running and I was getting a major framerate hit, so they may already be incompatible. That would be a bummer for me
as I really liked Madd leveler, but maybe it was something else, I also had Starfires npcs running at that time, so more testing is necessary.

Anyway, Thanks again Wolvman, I hope this info is helpful to you. :)
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Dan Wright
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:31 pm

3. The backpedaling penalty, got stuck on me a couple times, but seemed to be fixable by running again with a weapon held up and ready
to strike (i.e. holding the attack/mouse button down). Also, It seemed to give the penalty even when running forward, is this by design?

No, that has to be a bug. It should only slow your speed when running backwards. Holding your weapon back to swing shouldn't have any affect on it either. I've done a few play-tests with the current internal build and it doesn't seem to have this problem so something that I've changed since V.1.3 probably fixed it. I'll keep my eyes open though while I'm finishing up V.1.4.

4. I think it may take a while for me to fully decide about the sounds, but I like most of them. I did think that the short sword un-equip sound
would be better off sounding like the Longsword un-equip sound, though. I wasn't much for the current sound.

Thanks for the input. Personally I find that the current longsword sheathing sound effect is a bit over-dramatic. So I made the shortsword sound a bit more like a katana being sheathed ( which is actually where that sound effect comes from ) to help differentiate the longsword and shortsword sounds.

5. I wonder if the Magicka regen might be a tad fast, I was playing with a non magic focused dark elf character, 30 willpower, and maybe
40 intelligence (can't remember for sure), and had enough magicka to do a hearth heal again pretty quickly after having drained my magicka
to nothing. This allowed me to keep casting it pretty often during an arena battle.

I've been wondering the same thing lately. I've already lowered it for a bit for V.1.4 so we'll have to see how that pans out.

6. I wonder if the Reflexive blocking penalty will interfere with alternate leveling systems Like Madd leveler and GCD. I remember the first time
I loaded GV, I had MADD running and I was getting a major framerate hit, so they may already be incompatible. That would be a bummer for me
as I really liked Madd leveler, but maybe it was something else, I also had Starfires npcs running at that time, so more testing is necessary.

Well I have already found GV to be incompatible with GCD which is really bothering me. I plan to make my own leveling system that will closely resemble GCD at some point since I find it far more enjoyable than the default leveling system. That way those who wish to use GV and a GCD style leveling system will once again be able to. As for MADD I have no idea how it and GV work together so please let me know if you run into any trouble with the two.

Thanks for the info Zester. It was indeed very helpful.
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cheryl wright
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:47 pm

I am glad to be of any help that I can :) I think I could agree on the longsword sound being a bit dramatic, but it sounds like a sword being sheathed to me, the other sound didn't really make me think of a sword, though I must admit I haven't sheathed many katanas lately, :D

It's funny that you were thinking about making a leveling system mod, I almost thought about asking you to before I caught myself, and realized what a workload you've got going all ready. What is even more interesting is that just about everything I have thought about needing balancing in a combat mod (after all my playtesting/ brianstorming), you're working on addressing, even things like spell cast chance and creature strength, you've even thought of things I hadn't. Anyway thanks for going into that kind of depth, if I can help, let me know and I'll see what I can do. :)

Back to Leveling mods for a sec, I had been using Madd mainly because of reading things about GCD favoring/disfavoring certain types of characters, so if you do ever end up making a leveling mod, it would be great if it addressed this.
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