I downloaded this mod sometimes ago and it made me decide to learn scripting... I think it's enough for a compliment

I'm bewildered abut the manual blocking and I like also sprint a lot. However, the combat system is for me too extreme, because:
1. As stated in the readme, agility is useless, but it didn't add much to the CtH even before. So this is the least problem for me. But also weapon skills are useless.
2. Fortify attack/sanctuary are also useless, like somebody said on this thread.
Overall, it eliminates too many RPG elements from combat, and leveling doesn't make much difference anymore, since you start as a god already.
Other probelms:
1. It crashes when using MWE (with the MWE_Base.esp checked). It seems to work now, after I removed the PE scripts.
2. As a general suggestion, I'd prefer, if many components and changes are included, that the mod would be modular, and/or that some features would be configurable. For example, the Magicka Regeneration script causes MW to crash on reload on my PC, even without MWE, that is with GV alone. I changed a bit the script and now it doesn't crash anymore on vanilla MW, but it still crashes with MWE with a lot of mods. Anyway, if it isn't made modular, it will conflict with many other mods (BTB, creatures, items...). In the version I'm playing I had to delete all the creatures/items/leveled lists, I left only the scripts, settings, sounds etc because I'm mostly interested in the combat features. So, I'm not sure what causes these CTD on reload, but after removing Magicka Regeneration and PE scripts it works, at least. (EDIT: after I made some changes (see end of post) everything seems to run without CTD, not sure about PE, maybe those scripts need also to be changed)
3. GCD: maybe it's because I reduced the fortify bonus when blocking to 80, but it's not such an issue, you get some free attribute points and that's all. I don't think there are other incompatibilities.
If you're interested, I changed a bit the way it works to make it more vanilla-friendly. I'll keep modifying them until I've reached a good balance and compatibility with the mods I use (GCD, NOM, BTB, MWE Magicka Spells, TLM, Enhanced Stealth mainly).
I changed the attack bonus to make it more dependent on Agility and level (both of player and enemy) with the formula:
PlayerAttackBonus = ( PlayerAttackBonus + ( ( PlayerAgility - EnemyAgility ) / 2 ) + ( PlayerLevel - EnemyLevel ) )
It should give a better average CtH, especially vs low-level opponents, considering that few enemies have an agility higher than 50 (only high level ones), but weapon skills, fortify attack and sanctuary would work, and the effect of agility would be greatly improved: if the enemy is much more agile than you, you'll have trouble hitting him, same if he casts sanctuary. Fortify Agility would have a very big impact on CtH, and you should really be scared of spells that damage your agility. Currently I set enemy attack bonus in the AI_Attachment_1 script to 1.5x, so to increase it but not much, but it could be calculated in the same way as with the player. I also reduced the elemental magic enhancements to make it more balanced.
This is a comparison chart between vanilla and this system (on top of it must be added the difference in level):
W.skill vanilla mod vanilla mod + 30 AGI same AGI--------------------------------------------------------------------------10 20 35 12,5 same25 38,75 53,75 31,25 ,,50 70 85 62,5 ,,75 101,25 116,25 93,75 ,,100 132,5 147,5 125 ,,
Moreover, also the block skill is now useless, because you get 100% blocking chance even at 0 blocking skill. In my esp I changed it this way:
1. the bonus to the blocking skill is 80, not 150, for an effective 30 with the reflective blocking prevention, so you'll still have to train your skill to block effectively.
2. I changed the blocking spells to curses, and added a fatigue drain for blocking at novice, apprentice and journeyman level (progressively smaller).
3. I changed the last part of the PC_Starter script, to remove the reflective blocking prevention when the weapon is not drawn, so you can know your real block skill.
4. I set the max blocking chance to 95 in the global settings.
5. I tried adding a post-blocking paralysis (0.5 seconds at novice, 0.25 at apprentice), it works but still has some problems, so I opted for the fatigue drain, for now.
6. I'm thinking now that the block chance could be modified by the opponent's agility or attack bonus (agility/level etc.), so that it would be easier to block an attack from a mudcrab, more difficult from powerful enemies.
Overall what I suggest is to make the mod modular to avoid conflicts, and include a basic, more vanilla-friendly alternative esp for the combat features. Things like changing the name of potions or the dialogue references, if they don't have an impact on gameplay, seems a bad idea to me, because it increases the chance of conflicts and/or alters the values set by other mods like BTB without adding anything else than a different name, but it's my opinion.
If you're interested, I'll keep making my changes and I can send you a modify esp once I get everything working. And thanks again for the mod

EDIT: I found one thing: I was having CTD in Seyda Neen after reload (many NPC due to MCA), but not in the nearby wilderness. I added this at the beginning of the script AI_Attachment_Finder and it doesn't crash anymore:
if ( GetPCCell "Seyda Neen" == 1 ) return endif
I then tried to reset all timers in the AI_Attachment_x scripts on reload, and so far I didn't have CTD on reload anymore, even after reenabling the script in Seyda Neen:
if ( ( getjournalindex "AI_Attachment_1_Reloaded" ) != 100 ) setjournalindex "AI_Attachment_1_Reloaded" 100 set timer to 0 set MagickaRegenTimer to 0 Return endifMy modified scripts:
PC_Starter script
Begin PC_Starter ;;;This script gives the player any abilities and items that they need to recieve from the mod. Short HasRing Short HasImprovedCastChance Short HasWeaknesstoMagicka Short PlayerAttBonus Short EnemyCR Short WeaponState Short EnemyAgility ;this is set in AI_Attachment_x Short EnemyLevel ;this is set in AI_Attachment_x Short PlayerAgility Short PlayerLevel Short PlayerAttackBonus Short magickaregeneration ;this is set in GV_Configuration_Ring If ( HasRing == 0 ) Player->Additem, "GV_Config_Ring" 1 set HasRing to 1 endif ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Spell Cleaner (Removes the obsolete spells from earlier versions of GV.) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If ( Player->Getspell, "Easier Magicka" == 1 ) Player->Removespell, "Easier Magicka" Elseif ( Player->GetSpell, "Deadlier Magicka" == 1 ) Player->Removespell, "Deadlier Magicka" endif ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;PC Abilities ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set PlayerAttackBonus to Player->GetAttackBonus Set PlayerAgility to Player->GetAgility Set PlayerLevel to Player->GetLevel Set PlayerAttBonus to ( PlayerAttackBonus + ( ( PlayerAgility - EnemyAgility ) / 2 ) + ( PlayerLevel - EnemyLevel ) ) Player->SetAttackBonus, PlayerAttBonus ; Makes the striking more realistic and solid If ( HasImprovedCastChance == 0 ) Player->ModCastPenalty, 5 ; Makes casting spells easier Set HasImprovedCastChance to 1 Endif If ( HasWeaknesstoMagicka == 0 ) Player->ModResistShock, -10 ; Makes shock spells hurt worse Player->ModResistFire, -10 ; Makes fire spells hurt worse Player->ModResistFrost, -10 ; Makes frost spells hurt worse Player->ModResistPoison, -10 ; Makes poison spells hurt worse Set HasWeaknesstoMagicka to 1 Endif Set WeaponState to Player->GetWeaponDrawn If ( Player->Getspell, "Reflexive Blocking Prevention" == 0 ) if ( WeaponState == 1 ) Player->Addspell, "Reflexive Blocking Prevention" ; Keeps the player from reflexively blocking until they are a Journeyman of Block. endif ElseIf ( Player->Getspell, "Reflexive Blocking Prevention" == 1 ) if ( WeaponState == 0 ) Player->RemoveSpell, "Reflexive Blocking Prevention" endif endif if ( scriptrunning, PC_Magicka_Regeneration == 0 ) if ( magickaregeneration == 1 ) startscript, PC_Magicka_Regeneration endif endifEnd
GV_Configuration_Ring script
Begin GV_Configuration_Ring short button short MessageOn short messageOnce short doOnce short OnPCEquip short reset short usering short magickareg short state if ( OnPCEquip == 0 ) set reset to 0 endif if ( reset == 1 ) return endif if ( OnPCEquip == 1 ) if ( reset == 0 ) if ( messageOnce == 0 ) if ( state == 0) MessageBox "Would you like to enable the faster Magicka regeneration? (not recommended if you use already other mods that do the same)", "Yes", "No" set state to 10 endif if ( state == 10) set button to GetButtonPressed if ( button == 0 ) if ( scriptrunning, PC_Magicka_Regeneration == 0 ) startscript, PC_Magicka_Regeneration endif set magickareg to 1 set state to 20 elseif ( button == 1 ) if ( scriptrunning, PC_Magicka_Regeneration ) StopScript, PC_Magicka_Regeneration endif set magickareg to 0 set state to 20 endif set PC_Starter.magickaregeneration to magickareg endif if ( state == 20 ) MessageBox "Would you like to configure your Gratuitous Violence settings now?" "Yes" "No" set messageOn to 1 set messageOnce to 1 set state to 0 endif endif endif endif if ( messageOn == 1) set button to GetButtonPressed if ( button >= 0 ) set messageOn to 0 endif if ( button == 0 ) set usering to 1 ;set reset to 1 elseif ( button == 1 ) set reset to 1 set messageOnce to 0 return endif endif if ( usering == 1 ) if ( OnPCEquip == 1 ) if ( MenuMode == 0 ) Startscript, "PC_Use_Button" Set OnPCEquip to 0 set messageOnce to 0 set usering to 2 endif else set usering to 0 set messageOnce to 0 return endif endifEnd