------What does this mod do?-------
This is a complete overhual mod for Morrowind, Tribunal, and Bloodmoon with a heavy emphasis on combat related changes. Gratuitous Violence breathes new life into Morrowind by adding to the creature, armor, and weapon variety as well as adding skill perks, improved AI, and seemless combat enhancements.
The game has a completely new feel and balance to it not only due to the many changes made to armor, weapon, and creature stats but also due to its addition of a 100% hit rate, which makes combat more like that of Oblivion and Skyrim.
Although this overhaul is focused on combat, other subtle changes have been made to further improve realism and the overall Morrowind experience as well. This mod is also a compilation of other modders' works, many of which are combat related.
You can find a list of each mod that was either partially or completely incorporated into GV in the credits section of the readme. I have made many personal adjustments, changes, and additions to most of the incorporated mods that are in GV, so they may not produce the same results as using the original mods would.
Also Note: This is a beta, therefore it is bound to have many bugs and balancing issues. So if you notice anything odd or out of place, please don't complain about it and then give the mod a bad rating. Instead, let me know so that I may correct the bugs and release a fixed version.
-------Brand New Features-------
- (Dual Wielding)
* You can now dual-wield many of Morrowind's non-enchanted single-handed weapons. Weapons offer a very low armor rating when used in the offhand, but even the lowest quality shield will provide more AR than a weapon. In order to make up for this lack of AR, future versions of dual wielding will increase the chance to pull off a critical strike substantially.
- (Lock Bashing)
* Any locked containers and doors can now be bashed open (even those added by mods). The difficulty of successfully bashing a lock open is based on your strength and type of weapon. You will get a bounty if you try to break open a lock in front of someone. If you try to punch open a lock without two gauntlets/bracers on then you will hurt your hands with each strike.
- (Sprinting)
* Sprinting is now integrated into Morrowind. The amount of fatigue that is burned while sprinting is directly tied to your Athletics skill. If you have your weapon drawn while sprinting you will burn more Fatigue than normal. If your Fatigue is lower than 5 sprinting will automatically disable until you have more Fatigue to burn.
- (Slower Backpedaling)
* This causes the player to move slower when running backwards which further prevents the player from fighting up close with projectile based weapons.
-------Gameplay Changes-------
- (Overhauled Weapon Stats)
* Bows now shoot slower but they do more damage per hit.
* Crossbows have had their damage decreased
* Staffs have had their speed decreased by 0.25 each.
- (Overhauled Creatures)
* Smaller creatures are now much less annoying and will either remain passive to the player or flee on sight.
* Many creatures have been made more deadly to closer resemble what they would have been like in Oblivion.
* Creature variety has been greatly enhanced.
* Creature leveled lists have been made more realistic. Now you have a chance to encounter stronger creatures at a low level and weaker creatures at a high level.
- (Overhualed Striking)
* Now the only way to miss with a weapon is to physically miss your target just like in Oblivion; this will also affect NPCs and creatures as well (works on mod added NPCs/Creatures).
* The striking angles have been adjusted to be more realistic. This helps to prevent striking others around you that you didn't mean to strike (such as companions).
- (Overhauled Magicka System)
* There is now a constant Magicka Regeneration for all NPCs/Creatures as well as the PC that uses a slightly weaker version of the formula that is used in Oblivion (works on mod added NPCs/Creatures).
* All spells are now 25% more successful in order to help keep the spells on par with the new weapon system.
* Nearly half of the spells and spell effects have been reworked and rebalanced to be more useful to both the player and NPCs.
- (Overhauled Fatigue System)
* Fatigue regenerates twice as quickly now in order to help you get back into the fight sooner.
- (Overhauled Birthsigns)
* Many of the birthsigns have been changed in order to blend with the new combat system more effectively and to help keep them more useful throughout the entire game.
- (Overhauled AI)
* NPCs will now flee much further from you to avoid harm much like in Oblivion.
* NPCs and intelligent creatures can now follow you through cells during fights just as they can in Oblivion.
* NPCs will now choose their spells in a more intelligent manner.
* Guards will now intelligently protect you when you are in danger as long as you are not a wanted criminal.
- (Overhauled Combat Sounds)
* GV boasts over 150 new sound effects that have been meticulously implemented into Morrowind in order to bring Morrowind's combat sound effects to a level never acheived before by any other mod.
* All weapon, armor, and health damage based sound effects have been replaced and now produce a variety of sounds that will play during combat.
* 20 new spell sound effects have also made there way into GV to give mages a better audio experience.
-------Skill Changes and Perks-------
- (All Weapon Skills including Hand-to-Hand)
* Every point gained in each of these skills increases the chance of your character being able to successfully pull off a "Critical Strike" whenever they attack.
* Increasing your character's Agility will also increase the chance of your character dealing a critical strike each swing.
* Whenever you critically strike an opponent it will be accompanied by an extra gruesome sound effect, signaling that you just did extra damage.
** (Skill of 1-24) As a Novice of any melee weapon skill your character will only deal 50% more damage with a weapon during a critical strike.
** (Skill of 25-49) As an Apprentice your character will be able to deal 100% more damage with each critical strike.
** (Skill of 50-74) As a Journeyman critical strikes will cause 150% more damage.
** (Skill of 75-99) As an Expert critical strikes will cause up to 200% more damage.
** (Skill of 100 and Up) As a Master each critical strike will cause 250% more damage.
- (Acrobatics)
* Fatigue drain while jumping is now directly determined by your acrobats skill, agility, and your total encumbrance.
* Fatigue drain for Khajiit's is slightly lower than it is for the other races.
* The total cost of fatigue per jump is reduced by 1% for every 4 points of Agility that the character has.
* In order to prevent "bunny-hopping" during combat, jumping is automatically disabled if your character does not have enough fatigue to compensate for the cost of a single jump.
** (Skill of 1-24) The base fatigue burn for a Novice of Acrobatics is 30 per jump with 1 additional point of fatigue burned for each 10 units of weight that your character is carrying.
** (Skill of 25-49) As an Apprentice of Acrobatics your base fatigue burn is 25 with 0.9 additional points of fatigue burned for each 10 units of weight on your character.
** (Skill of 50-74) A Journeyman of Acrobatics will burn 20 points of fatigue per jump with an additional 0.8 points of fatigue burned for each 10 units of weight.
** (Skill of 75-99) Experts of Acrobatics burn 15 points of fatigue per jump with an additional 0.7 points of fatigue burned for each 10 units of weight.
** (Skill of 100 and Up) Masters of Acrobatics only burn 10 points of fatigue per jump with an additional 0.5 points of fatigue burned for each 10 units of weight on your character.
- (Athletics)
* Athletics has a much smaller affect on your character's running speed now in order to keep the game better balanced with the new sprint feature however it is also now easier to increase.
* The minimum running speed has been increased to help rid Morrowind of the awful "slow-motion" running that is present in much of the earlier game.
* Argonian's can sprint slightly faster than other races.
** (Skill of 1-24) As a Novice of Athletics you burn 40 more fatigue per second when sprinting.
** (Skill of 25-49) As an Apprentice you will burn 35 more fatigue per second.
** (Skill of 50-74) As a Journeyman you will burn 30 extra fatigue per second.
** (Skill of 75-99) As an Expert you will burn 25 fatigue per second.
** (Skill of 100 and Up) As a Master of Athletics you will have an extra fatigue burn of only 20 while sprinting.
- (Block)
* Blocking is now under the player's control.
* All shields have had their durability increased in order to help compensate for the increased amount of blocking that now occurs in the game.
* Blocking-at-will will now drain fatigue each time you block. Reflexive blocking will not (this is impossible without new scripting functions).
** (Skill of 1-24) As a Novice of Block your character will not be able to reflexively block at all and will be severly slowed when blocking. Each block will drain 40 fatigue.
** (Skill of 25-49) As an Apprentice of Block your character will still be unable to reflexively block but will be have less of a speed decrease when blocking than that of a Novice. Each block will drain 35 fatigue.
** (Skill of 50-74) As a Journeyman your character will be able to reflexively block strikes 1-25% of the time and will be slowed only half as much as a Novice. Each block will drain 30 fatigue.
** (Skill of 75-99) As an Expert of Block your character will be able to reflexively block strikes 25-50% of the time and will be slowed about a quarter as much as a Novice when blocking. Each block will drain 25 fatigue.
** (Skill of 100 and Up) As a Master of Block your character will always be able to reflexively block 50% or more of the strikes that are thrown at him/her and no speed decrease will incure when blocking. Each block will drain only 20 fatigue.
- (Hand-to-Hand) (Not in V.1.4)
* Punching now does damage to health and the amount of damage dealt is based on the armor you or your opponent is wearing.
* Gauntlets effect how much damage is dealt with hand-to-hand.
- (Marksman)
* There is now a 95% chance to retrieve your projectiles from a corpse.
* All bows and crossbows have had their draw/reload speeds decreased in order to prevent them from being used as a melee weapon.
* All projectiles have had their speed increased.
** (Skill of 1-24) As a Novice you will suffer from fatigue burn when holding an arrow back.
** (Skill of 25-49) An Apprentice will no longer suffer from fatigue burn when holding an arrow back.
- (Unarmored)
* The max armor rating (without enchantments) for unarmored has been increased to 125.
-------New Keyboard/Mouse Buttons-------
- ('Block' Button)
* Each time you push this button you will get a blocking bonus of 100. The bonus goes away if you attack with a weapon.
- ('Sprint' Button)
* This button allows you to sprint while draining fatigue at a faster rate.
- ('Switch Weapon to Offhand' Button)
* Pressing this button will move your weapon to the left hand. ( This only works with the original Morrowind weapons. Weapons added by mods and weapons that have been enchanted by the player will not work with this. )
- ('Switch Weapon to Main Hand' Button)
* Pressing this button will move your weapon to the right hand. ( This only works with the original Morrowind weapons. Weapons added by mods and weapons that have been enchanted by the player will not work with this. )
- ('Switch Grip' Button) *Not in V.1.4*
* This feature allows you to switch the grip on your weapon between one and two hands. ( This only works with the original Morrowind weapons. Weapons added by mods and weapons that have been enchanted by the player will not work with this. )
You MUST choose which key you want to use for each button by equipping the new GV ring in your inventory and completing the configuration menu . If you don't pick a key for each of these you will NOT be able to use them in your game.
-------Configuration Menu Options-------
- (Configure New Keyboard/Mouse Buttons)
* Picking this option runs you through the Keyboard/Mouse configuration for GV's extra button based features.
- (Increase/Decrease Number of AI Attachments)
* This option will let you pick how many AI attachment scripts you want running at all times. The higher the number the bigger the FPS hit will be, however it will allow GV to affect more NPCs/Creatures at one time which is best for immersion and balance.
- (Altar Magicka Regeneration Rate)
* Selecting this option simply allows you to alter the rate at which magicka regenerates. You have the options of 100% (Same regeneration rate as Oblivion), 75%, 50%, 25%, and 0% (Disabled). This affects NPCs and creatures as well.
- (Modify Attack Bonus Value)
* Although GV is balanced around a 100% hit rate, you can use this menu option to change the attack bonus value of you and NPCs/Creatures to either 100, 75, 50, 25, or 0. Choosing 100 will make every strike hit 100% of the time. Choosing 0 will make Morrowind use your weapon skill value to determine if you should hit each time.
Morrowind, Tribunal, and Bloodmoon.
This mod also requires the newest version of Morrowind Script Extender. If you decide not to use Morrowind Script Extender, then this mod may not work as intended or even at all.
------Installation and Playing-------
Extract the rar archive file directly into your Morrowind/ folder. Make sure the main .esp is in the data files folder.
After that, check off Gratuitous Violence in your Morrowind Launcher.
If you are upgrading from a previous version of GV please make sure that you remove the old version first and resave your game without it loaded before trying to play with the new version.
To begin using the mod you will need to equip the new "GV Configuration Ring" that should be in your inventory upon first loading the mod.
Delete the "Gratuitous Violence.esp" file.
Delete the GV folder from your Morrowind\Data Files\Sound\Fx\ folder to remove the new sounds.
Be sure to open the console and type "Player->SetAttackBonus 0" (or 10 if you have the Warrior Birthsign Selected) and "Player->SetDefendBonus 0" after the GV .esp file has been removed.
-------Known Issues-------
Any mod that makes changes to the original creatures will conflict with GV.
Any mod that makes changes to the original spells or spell effects will conflict with GV.
Any mod that makes changes to the original guards will conflict with GV.
Yacoby's Pursuit Enhanced Mod
Fliggerty's Protective Guards Mod
NazoX9's Creaure Mods
Wakim's Balancing Mods
Galsiah's Character Development Mod
*Bugs and Annoyances*
The game is now unbalanced for obvious reasons. I'm working on fixing this but it is a very slow process.
Switching a weapon from the left hand to the right (and vice-versa) via the duel-wielding keys will reset its condition to 100% even if the weapon has been damaged.
I can do nothing about this until more Morrowind scripting functions become available.
-------Future Plans-------
New Scripted Spell Effects (Like Frost Slowing Down Enemies).
Add More New Spell Sound Effects
Blocking for Hand-to-Hand and Two-Handed Weapons.
Add visible weapon sheaths and quivers without screwing with the clothing slots whenever it becomes possible.
Complex Wounding System
Overhaul Hand-to-Hand Fighting
Implement sprinting effects for the remaining races.
Oblivion Styled Sneaking
Further improve creature, weapon, and armor variety
Add an automated randomized spell system to add variety to NPC spells.
Overhaul all weapon damage, speed, and reach to be more realistic.
-------Version History-------
Beta V.1.0 - Initial Release
Beta V.1.1 - Fatigue now drains when holding back a bow string as a novice of Marksman. The jump restrictions have been lowered to 10. Sprinting is now tied to the Athletics skill and will improve alongside it.
Bow damage has been increased, draw speed has decreased.
Beta V.1.2 - Hopefully fixed a very annoying CTD. Backpedelling has been slowed down even further. Blocking now slows down your movement speed a little. I've incorporated a personally modified version of Fliggerty's Protective Guards mod into GV. I've also incorporated a personally modified version of Yacoby's Pursuit Enhanced mod into GV.
Many of Morrowind's creatures have been changed to be more deadly much like their Oblivion counter-parts. The foundation for the new combat sound effects has been put in. The Warrior birthsign now increases strength by 10 points just as in Oblivion. The enchantment changes have been removed as they caused some severe balancing issues.
All elemental spells do 50% more damage.
Beta V.1.3 - A few "Block" skill perks have been implemented. NPCs will now regenerate magicka in the exact same way as the PC. Fixed a bug that caused spell vendors to sell a few abilities that weren't supposed to be able to be sold. Removed many of the extra spell effect icons that the player saw in his/her HUD display.
Damage has been dropped slightly to increase fighting time a bit more. All spells are now 25% more successful.
Beta V.1.4 - About half of the game's spells and spell effects have been rebalanced to be more useful in the long run (includes some of Wakim's changes). Many of the birthsigns have been overhauled to be helpful in both the early and late game. Creature leveled lists have been reworked to add more variety as well as increase realism and difficulty. Agility and your weapon skills now govern the chance of your character to pull off a "Critical Strike". The magicka regeneration rate has been lowered. The enhanced weapon damage has been removed until I can figure out how to balance it properly, meaning it no longer requires MCP. The foundation to the duel-wielding has been introduced. Sprint now drains your fatigue faster when running with your weapon drawn. The fatigue drain from jumping is now controlled by your agility, acrobatics, and total encumbrance. Stamina has been renamed back to Fatigue to help avoid mod conflicts. Improved the in-game menu options. Replaced all sanctuary effects with either calm humanoid or calm creature spells. Balanced the blocking for NPCs. Implemented a lock bashing system. Fixed the known bugs with Pursuit Enhanced.
-----Credits and Incorporated Mods-----
NOTE: I want everyone to understand that I take no credit for creating the mods that were incorporated into this mod.
Bethesda, for creating an awesome game.
Stuporstar, for helping with the AI's combat script.
Fliggerty, for his Protective Guards scripts.
Yacoby, for his Pursuit Enhanced scripts and Dual Wield Weapons models.
NazoX9, for his creature mods.
Wakim, for his Character, Game Settings, Spells, Spell Effects, and NPC Spellcasting mods.
-----Contact and Permission-----
You can contact me through the Elderscrolls forums as 'Wolvman'.
If you wish to use anything from this mod be sure that if it is something from an incorporated mod that you give the correct credit to that mod's creator (not me).
If you want to use anything from this please contact me and ask for permission. If I don't get in touch with you within a week you can go ahead and use it, but credit would be nice

Download Links
http://www.mediafire.com/?oddwbe7nmx4a3wg ( Latest Test Version, 04/29/12 )
http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=37977 ( Beta V.1.3 )
http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=9129 ( Beta V.1.3 )