Graybeards and Shouts

Post » Mon May 26, 2014 5:58 pm

I've killed Alduin, and I'm no longer able to have Arngeir tell me where to find words. I get the impression from UESP that this isn't supposed to happen. No, I haven't killed Parthunax, and hadn't even received the quest once I'd returned from Sovngarde.

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Emilie M
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Post » Mon May 26, 2014 7:48 pm

how many have you done for them so far? I could be wrong but I don't believe they direct you to every word. Do you currently have any you were suppose to search for? I know Arch Wind Point (I think that's the name) is bugged and if they send you there or you found it on your own, it can cause the greybeards to no longer give you more locations. If your on the PC the unofficial patches cures this.

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Zosia Cetnar
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Post » Mon May 26, 2014 7:59 pm

By any chance, do you have a misc objective to learn the word at Arcwind Point (it's a word of Drain Vitality)?

If so, there's a known bug with that wall and Arngeir's quest. To clear it:

-On consoles: If you have not obtained Northwind Summit (Aura Whisper) then do so. It's weird; best not to ask.
-On PC, using the command console:

setstage freeformHighHrothgarA 20 finishes the quest.
setlocationcleared fd685 1 forces the location to clear (Arcwind Point doesn't like to clear on its own otherwise,) which will stop it from becoming a target in the future.
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