graybeards r rude

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:13 pm

after killing the first dragon in whiterun, I casually walk into whiterun minding my own business, talking to this redguard about a missing lady or something, and all of a sudden the graybeards interupt my convo(not proper edicate) and yell and shake the Earth, wow thanks graybeards, NOW I don't know what this kind man told me. I don't like these greybeards people, u think they could at least be like "excuse me dragonborn, would u like to talk to us?", I'd be like "sure!" but nope they r all like "yearrrg urrrg fooooo duuuh" or some crap. WTF does the even mean, for all I know they could be saying "hey dragonborn u r awful at killing dragons" or something. not talking to those guys anytime soon, rude old men......(btw im totally kidding about all this, lmao)
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