Great DLC cheapened by release

Post » Tue Feb 16, 2010 7:41 am

With the current DLC business model, by the time the dlc (and this is not a reflection on Obisidian or Honest Hearts, but is true in most cases) are released you have already finished the main game and are merely backtracking so as to experience the new content without it being an addition to the game as a whole. Take Dead Money – My character has finished the game, but I loaded up a save game to go to the Sierra Madre. I didn’t finish the game again afterward (although I will one day run a second play through I ‘m sure).

The thing is, the game should be experienced as a whole, in somewhat chronological order. This wasn’t so much of an issue when expansion packs were used, but when the rewards of a DLC can be brought back to the main game, it would be nice if there was some main game to use them with. This is a direct reflection on New Vegas because the main game ends. I think that if game designers really cared about their product as an art form, and not a way to make money, they would return to the expansion pack method, or have the dlc ready to go off the hop.
Anyway, my question : Which method would you support?

Me, I like the episodic content, but I would like to have it work with my 1st character – to experience the game all at once, rather than repeating 90% just for the new content (not a discussion on replayability)
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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:10 pm

I definitally prefer the old expansion pack method. I could do DLC as long as it is released soon after the games release, but 1 year+ after the origional release is just too late.
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Alex Vincent
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Post » Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:29 am

i was gonna pick #2 until i saw +- a year, thats not gonna fly. 6 or 7 months would be better.

ill go with one, you pretty much end up with the same price and same amount of stuff in the end anyway, you just dont have to wait so friggin long.
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Eric Hayes
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Post » Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:40 am

I prefer the current model most of the dlc's have been decent size lets say roughly 4 hours long every month or 2, I'll take that over a dlc that'll probably be twice as big released 6 months after launch and cost 3 times as much, having them done beforehand makes people feel cheated since your paying for stuff already on the disk, and as fo the include with the game thats means either their giving it away which isn't going to happen or its just part of the game not dlc . smaller releases allow the decs to try different things like dead moneys survival horror feel the next will likely have a different theme we also get more out of ithem this way. As for your complaint about not being tu use dlc items in the main game start a new charecter and do the dlc's earlier thats what i'm doing.
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Tue Feb 16, 2010 6:19 pm

old school FTW :toughninja:
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Roy Harris
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Post » Tue Feb 16, 2010 10:05 am

Oldschool expansions. All the way.

The whole concept of a DLC - giving the players small, overpriced, and way too often halfbaked and underseasoned breadcrumbs - is unnerving, disappointing and discouraging (in context). That, assuming (and believing) that DLC is the only form of expanding the game.
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Mistress trades Melissa
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Post » Tue Feb 16, 2010 7:17 am

Am i the only one who liked horse armor?
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