The game was better than I expected, but here is what it could have done better, or what I would like to see fixed with the DLC, since Bethesda said it would be more like patches adding substantial content.
You are at a shop, game freezes, you then trade like all the other games except the menu is easier. I think if you took what you do with Alchemy labs, enchant, and so on, it would be better. But, the item you decide to trade or what have you should be handed over to the person you are trading with in the background, the game shouldn’t freeze. Or, the player hands over a sack of coins for each purchase or vice versa. All of this taking place behind the trade menu’s.
To go off that, when blacksmithing, he should be working on the item he has selected. When you use the grind wheel, it’s annoying to see him use the same sword over and over again. This part could have been better. It is however very pleasing system and helps the early game out for you to be able to make such things. BUT, why can’t we make arrows anymore? Why do all the ingots weigh the same and so little? I say, add in an area of the blacksmith part where he makes arrows. Change the menu to where you say, hmm what do I want to make? And you have categories like Armor – Weapons - Munitions, then sub categories like Light Armor – Heavy Armor, One handed – Two Handed – Bows – Non Enchanted staff, and then of course arrows. Then you separate them by iron, steel, and so on. If I make arrows, show me making the arrow head and then using say firewood to make a simple arrow, and then hawk feathers for aerodynamics. Just show him making an arrow and I will be happy though. It is weird watching him make the same thing over and over.
The metal ingots themselves could use major overhaul. They have no stamps or anything on them, they are virtually unmarked. You might see this with bandits, but for the silver blood, wouldn’t you see different? Like a family insignia on it or something. They need to weigh more. It is so weird to take two heavy solid metal dwemer plates and make them into ingots and have them weigh less then what they previously were. I understand your reasoning though, but if it doesn’t bother me to load down Erandur with 5 Dwemer solid plates of metal, then I wouldn’t mind loading him down with much more in ingots. The pricing for them is a bit odd, they are too low. Gold bars worth only a 100 Septims? I think a solid gold bar today is worth what, $10,000 dollars each? There market is allot different, but wow.
The slow motion finishing moves are cool, but could use some power finishing moves as well. And the magic/projectile ones seem to be nonexistent.
As for my last note for now, companions need a great deal of work. I feel like they have moved backwards. Having such a variety of options is nice, but I think the middle ground would be nice. I enjoyed fallout and new vegas’ companions because of the depth and story behind them, and so yes having a few light on depth isn’t bad, but give us a few with some story and actual conversations.