Great Khan... Beam me up! *CHEAT/SPOILER/GECK/CONSOLE*

Post » Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:30 pm

OK so I'm doing Aba Daba Honeymoon where I have to deliver a package to Motor Runner in Vault 3, but I long since vendored the silly Great Khan armor. Of course, the cussing doorwoman goes devil-bananas at me because I'm missing the armor and I failed the speech check, so I whip out my "Love&Hate" spiked knuckles and loved showing her some hate (along with the entire vault)

Unfortunately, when I get to Motor Runner (boss), I have the sane problem as the door woman in that I dont have the faction armor, and so I dont have the speech option to deliver the package. I've scoured *every* Great Khan hut and pocket and none of them have faction armor. I've scoured the wastelands hoping to find random Legion-vs-Khan encounters so I can pick from the corpses. I've even tried luring mobs into the Khan camp. Nothing has worked.

So now I'm trying to use the console to just spawn a faction armor already! I loaded an old game, and clicked on the Khan armor while it was on the floor while in console, and it's ID is
Next I tried to spawn that armor with these commands (but all get an error):
player.additem ff001122 1
player.additemhealthpercentff001122 1 1

Meanwhile I was able to get bottlecaps without error:
player.additem 000000F 100


Finally I decided to try GECK which was released for NV (you have to expand the files explicitly to your F:NV folder else you get a "dll missing" error).

According to the F3 wiki, I loaded the F:NW environment, then saved/created my .ESP file. I searched for "khan" under items and have 3 hits. BUT I can't find an item ID on any of those entries.

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naome duncan
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Post » Thu Aug 12, 2010 3:19 pm

Ok got it!

When you click on something while the console is up, you get the "reference ID" which is not what you want when trying to spawn an item. In my case, I needed the "form ID" which is sort of hidden at first in GECK (the default window slider squishes up the form id so that it is hidden)

Great! Thanks no-one except all those who already read this :D
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Michael Korkia
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