This shield doesn't seem to be equipped, and unlike the equipped shield, this one isn't "Banded". Stuff seems to be in alphabetic order. And I'm very sure, it starts with "Iron Sh" and ends with "ld"; the rest is too blurry for me.
Well, that's tantamount to confirmation there if you're 100% sure. We know he's got "Greaves" equipped, but if they aren't in the inventory.
So I guess 2 copies already lost.
Considering that REAL "greaves" are actually worn on your shins, not on your thighs (where you would "normally" wear cuisses), the whole question is kind of strange. Maybe Bethesda will fix the screwy naming conventions for the armor this time, and have a seperate cuirass on your torso, cuisses on your thighs, and greaves on your shins where they belong.
That always bugged me too... But arguing semantics doesn't really go anywhere, language is too fickle. Had the original designer of Leg armor been high (Or not high, we don't know) they might have been called "Fragglombermogs", and we'd be none the wiser.