Arkay and Hades: Like Hades, Arkay is also the God of Life and Death.
Azura and Hera: Both are Vain Goddesses that are loving when respected, and vengeful when angered. They both give the most horrible and bizarr punishments to mortals who offend them.
Dibella and Aphrodite: Both are Goddesses of six and Beauty. They are both known for being very beautiful and inspiring artists, and I think I read somewhere that people celebrate Dibella by having six with her priestesses, just like Aphrodite.
Mara and Hestia: Both are Goddesses that protect the family. Hestia was the protector of the Home and made it a safe place for families to live.
Kynareth and Demeter: Both are Goddesses of plants, and created plants so that mortals can use them to survive. Demeter is the Goddess of argiculture, while Kynareth is the Goddess of all of nature.
Talos and Aries: Both are Gods of War and Battle, only Talos isn't quite as bloody as Aries is. He believes in war to achive justice.
Nocturnal and Hermes: Both are Gods of Thieves, as well as other things (Nocturnal is the Goddess of Secrets and the Night).
Mephala and The Fates: Mephala had a similar theme to the fates. They would spin a cloth where each thread represented a life, and when they cut a thread a mortal would die. Mephala does it with a giant web, and she plucks strings from the web aswell.
Hircine and Artemis: Both were Hunting Gods who liked to hunt all sorts of wild animals, and were associated with the animals of nature like wolves.
Anyways those are the ones I can think of, I'm sure there's more.