ok, add me to the list. i would like to pick the Three Feather Tribe. (i like the name) i suppose we only give personality to the story important goblins?
edit: i found a list of different types of goblin units on UESP maybe we can use something like that. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Bestiary_G
and apperently they can reach from 3 feet to 8 feet tall. so something like a giant goblin is allowed ?
Okay, I've added your claim to the main page. As for the size differences, feel free to write based on that. The game goblins you meet in Oblivion all had to be the same size anyway, simply because most of them use the same model. Lack of height variation can be written of as a game mechanic. You're more than welcome to have a bit of size difference in your tribe.
One thing to bear in mind however, is that massive goblins - the eight footers - they would be the most vicious survivors out there. So basically, your Warlord. The others would probably be a little smaller. Goblin children, which I've taken to calling broodlings, would probably be the little 3 foot ones mentioned.
Name whoever and whatever you want really. You could name every single goblin in your tribe if the fancy struck you, but it would be hard for you to keep track of consistently. Name as many as you feel necessary, for it would give your group personality and depth.
I remember those numbers in Oblivion being the home guard. I figure the tribe's numbers would be double that, accounting for foragers, scouts (Generally between 3-5 goblins per party), active raiding parties, and other goblins away from the base.
Well, that's what this thread is for. Discussion. I was going to base the number on the amount found in the tribes in Oblivion, but that can be subject to change depending on the whims of the players involved. I do want to keep this small at first though. This will be about clan development. Sixty to eighty is a lot higher than I'd be willing to start at, given that that would pretty much constitute a goblin army, which no doubt would get noticed pretty quickly by the actual human Empire.
How does twenty-five to thirty sound?
we will need a map! to show exactly were each tribe is located i believe we should be allowed to move those tribes too if we see fit. im actually getting excited about this cant wait to start. i have plenty of time too friggen dragon slayers s moving at the pace of a snail
I was planning on addressing that later, but seeing as you've brought up tribal migrations, I might as well throw my ideas out in the open.

I'm going to place completely made-up caves on a http://www.imperial-library.info/sites/default/files/gallery_files/cyrodiil_ingame.jpg, in order to distribute the tribes around more evenly. I'm also going to place a population limit on each cave, in simulate how big or small they are. Basically, when a goblin tribe reaches the capacity of its cave / fort, bad things start to happen. Things like disease, or famine, as the area can't provide enough for all of them to eat. So the solution is to have half of the current clan move into a new cave, while retaining loyalty to the clan as a whole, and the tribe totem. Basically, it's goblin empire-building.
If you capture enough neutral tribes, or gain enough recruits through as of yet undecided and unspecified means, you'll find your dominion actually growing, which in turn increases your influence, and the range of your raiding parties. Sounds good, ey?