Sul is an older Dunmer who has spent decades trapped in Oblivion. Recently returned to Tamriel, he is driven by hatred of the lord of Umbriel and a deep thirst for revenge for his lost love and the destruction of Morrowind.
the destruction of Morrowind.
You can't destroy an entire friggin' province just to make one Dunmer be angsty.
Still not impressed. If he does lurk, then he know what fans are wary of, and doubtless he'd try to reassure us. Everything he says is undermined by the fact that the best plot he and the devs could think of involve a freakin' flying city that kills life and raises corpses as zombies. Too much Left 4 Dead, methinks.
And the whole Prince & Co. to rescue bumbling idiot girl and destroy the polarized evil (oh, but it isn't eeeevil, it's hauntingly beautiful. Giving it a pretty paint job doesn't make it morally grey. :shakehead: ) is so... ugh. Why can't the prince be the one in the kitchen, and the underdog rescues him. Hah, nothing like having your future emperor rely on a nobody - that's what TES games are made of.