If I can't build an in-game brahmin launcher, I hope someone makes a mod for one.
If I can't build an in-game brahmin launcher, I hope someone makes a mod for one.
Yep. Was playing Fallout 3 the other day with MMM, FWE and FOOK. Walked into the Chryslus Building on my Lvl 30 Gunner char, and there was 4 Super Mutant Overlords, 3 Super Mutant Breakers, 2 Super Mutant Berserkers, 2 Super Mutant Heavy Gunners, and 3 Super Mutant Infantry right in the front room (or close enough that they ran into it when the fighting started). Holy [censored] did i start chucking grenades like a madman.
Wish New Vegas had a MMM equivalent.
I love explosives. My F3 and FNV characters always had an explosives skill equal or higher than their primary weapons skill. I also obsessively crafted explosives whether I needed them or not; Man, if Harper's Shack ever caught fire the blast would take out Novac.
I hope I can do the same in F4.
I wonder if we'll have those magic mines that know if a trespasser is our friend or not?
He's over near where Reilly's Rangers have their HQ.
It's worth to save your game and deliberately make him detonate; it's a hell of an explosion.