I wouldn't go quite that far, as to label the game like that.
Personally, I'm happy with a bit of extra grenade love.
Or its something FWE/Project Nevada added. But hey, never turn down an opportunity to [censored] on CoD amirite?!
Thank goodness! Seriously, we've known about this for a while and I still can't wait to get hands on with this new control setup. Like others have said, it was so annoyingly clunky to use melee/grenades/firearms in conjunction with each other in FO3/NV that most never bothered outside of a modded game. Now we can actually utilise it all and actually play with the sandbox of weapons provided.
And having to change weapons just to throw a grenade and then changing back was so much better?
I can't wait for the next thread about 'Fallout 4 shares this feature with a hundred other games, one of which happens to be CoD, therefore Fallout is turning into CoD'
This was a change that was sorely needed. I'm a fan of the originals too, played them the first time round, but with the transition to first person, the shooting mechanics were sorely lacking in Fo3 and New Vegas.
What's the difference between that and having to go to the Pipboy? The pipboy stops time in FO3 and NV. That right there negates any difficulty level having to go into your inventory might have added.
If you'd said something like "Throwing a grenade should cost a few points of AP." then you might have had a point.
The "improved shooting mechanics = cod" argument is invalid. And we've known this information for some time now.
It's also a feature in FOOK2. Complete with a second hotkey to switch grenade types. It's nice.
I, for one, am not complaining so much that the implementation of the new grenade system makes the game similar to CoD.
But I also think that it lessens the inherent value of grenades.
Note that I didn't say usefullness.
In the previous games, when you were switching to a grenade, you meant business. You were probably fighting an enemy that was giving you a hard time after multiple save reloads. Having only the grenade equipped forced you to be tricky with it.
I think the amount of grenades available to the player in the game will determine if they will be this ultimate ace in the hole, or a dispensable room clearer to be thrown at will.
See, in the previous games, without a hotkey? I rarely used them at all, just because it was a bother to do so. (Also, they didn't seem particularly powerful, at least not frag grenades. But that's likely a multi-faceted thing - since I didn't use them much, I didn't build up my Explosives skill, so they didn't do much, so I didn't bother carrying Fancy grenades, so I didn't use them much..... whee! )
Having them hotkeyed via FOOK2 mod, means that it's more convenient to use one when needed. Which greatly increases my chance of actually using them. So, they become useful, rather than Yet Another Consumable that I never pull out. Of course, since they have appreciable weight, I still wouldn't carry many of them - I can't see them becoming a common "fling them about willy-nilly" thing unless FO4 went crazy and made them weightless like regular ammo.
FO3 was perfectly fine and this is supposed to be an action-RPG hybrid, not an FPS. As long as you use the crosshair as you should, any of BGS' games work just fine (well, accept for Skyrim's weird problems with archery/ranged magic due to their choice of range limits). Let me put this another way... FO3 shooting handled just as well as famed FPSes such as Half-Life and Halo, or TPSes like Gears of War. If people had problems, I'd say they don't know how to aim using a crosshair.
It's very unrealistic to think that someone could throw a grenade while holding a gun, especially a rifle, at least with any type of accuracy. Not unless the person is ambidexterous, and most are not (even then it's pretty silly just like the idea of dual-wielding).
I use explosives on all my characters. They are very easy to use and extremely powerful. That's what they are for, of course, raw power. Frag Grenades are the main standby along with Frag Mines because both are so plentiful and powerful. Others are much rarer and/or more specialized use (e.g., pulse grenades/mines for robots).
"Awkward" would be the weird FWE option to cycle grenades. It just doesn't feel natural, unlike in some games like Half-Life or Halo. It's far easier to simply hotkey Frag Grenades to 4 and Mines to 5 and switch when needed. Mines are something you use to lay as traps, anyway, so they don't actually need a hotkey.
Despite the knee jerk dismissal of the game due to the addition of a grenade button, I wonder if you can VATS a grenade toss? This was a very powerful (if not kind of broken) mechanic that let you grenade nearby foes without much worry of collateral damage. An explosive expert character toting around tons of Frag / Plasma / Nuka 'nades could do a lot of damage and remain relatively damage free from VATS.
Now that I think about it, I wonder if the VATS system still gives your PC some super-secret-uber-DR and greatly limits how much damage you can take while in VATS? They changed the time-scale, so I wonder if they changed the huge damage reduction it gave you in FO3 and FONV?
great, another post complaining about a feature that vastly improves the mechanics of the game. Sorry die-hard Fallout fans if the developers didn't get it right the last time around and the actually FPS games had better mechanics for a FPS game. and yes, Fallout is a FPS RPG. Deal with it. The mechanics they are added will [hopefully] make it less clunky like the last couple of games.
I agree with you like the rest of us in that we hope they don't turn this game into a shoot em up run and gun generic FPS. I don't think anyone here wants that. But have some faith in this dev team. It's been the same team that brought you oblivion and they keep improving their ways.
We weren't talking about personal preference in mods, just about mods that included a grenade key.
(If we were, I could say a lot of negative things about FWE, since I'm just not into the silly "realism" features or most of the masochistic-difficulty mods, either. Or anything that overuses the word "immersive". I use FOOK + WMK for additional variety in loot & weapons.)
Not as much as others, but I will say that "Looks like COD controls for fallout from now on" came across as basically negative. Probably helped by the fact that any mention of CoD on the internet (and especially here) is automatically assumed to be bad.
Makes a thread saying a feature in many games for the past 15 years being included makes fallout 4 cod.
"loves" how people assume its a complaint.
Troll or nah?
Also the ellipses at the end of every post is annoying.