» Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:20 am
http://www.gamesas.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=26675 Topic talking about a grendel buff for those interested.
I've ran a lot of builds with Grendel trying to find something that sits well with me, I throw an ironsight and single shot on it though. Running with Nano Recharge, Covert Ops and Mobility Enhance. Using burst fire 50% of the time, depending where I'm at and the situation. It's very aggressive but I always do well with it.
I agree that the bullet speed should be up'd to make it a little more signifigant, BUT this gun actually takes some skill, god forbid. If you have the gun in capable hands though it's not as crappy as it seems..
tl;dr If you can't land a head shot, don't bother picking it up. Stay with a SCAR.