Or they could just ship the collector's edition with a beard. That would be most convenient.
Dude, that would be so killer! I would wear it religiously when I play! :biggrin:
...maybe there will be a discount for those who buy the game with a good beard.
there should be a door prize on 11-11-11 for everyone that has preordered and has a burly beard
I wish! It would def be in the spirit of things, wouldn't it? Time to petition Gamestop!
People who can't grow beards, rejoice, for I have found a solution (hope nobody else has posted this) http://www.beardowear.ca/

hmy: :woot: I want one.
If the devs had any doubt in their minds of putting facial hair in Skyrim, it just went out the window.
I whole-heartedly agree. They wouldn't dare break so many hearts. :nope:
I think we need to form a list of the promised bearded Nords, so we can bug them for shots at 'round October, next year.

We should. I'm totally game for this.
Buy a trimmer, trim your heavy beardgrowth, leave the rest to grow. And you'll have a full beard

Does a Nord have time to pamper his beard? Really? Hair trimmers are not manly at all. Be rugged like the mountains!
I did some math, and if my beard maintains the same average rate of growth, it should be well over my chest by 11-11-11. I think I'll braid it and hang human skulls from it. Or maybe spiked iron balls for use as a makeshift flail.
Dude, is that you in your avatar? Did anyone ever tell you that you look like Ben Roethlisberger?
This is the best thread ever by the way. I got so excited when I saw this. Being completely obsessed with something to the point that it affects RL decisions almost entirely unrelated to the game is a common thing for me. The best part is that I happened to have last shaved on the morning of the day of the announcement of Skyrim because I wanted to look spiffy for a Christmas party I went to that evening. I'm going to let it grow out for the full (and exact) 11 months of anticipation!
Does someone really want to make a Facebook Group or something? I think we need to set this in stone. Let's turn it into a "Grow A Beard For Beards In Skyrim" petition or something. Seriously now!
P.S.: Best thread ever. Needed to be said twice.