But we can braid our beards, 20x more nordic right there :3
:rofl: Now that would be win.
I have been trying to grow a beard for 24 years (yeah, since birth!) with no significant success. Maybe Skyrim will be so epic that I will grow one instantly due to the sheer Nordic awesomeness.
Or they could just ship the collector's edition with a beard. That would be most convenient.
I LMAO'ed. That's such a crazy idea it just might work! I say it's worth a shot. There is no way that wouldn't get some comedic publicity.
This is remarkably similar to my story. It’s even worse because there are some epic BGS beards which I get to see everyday to remind me of my own inability to achieve bearditude.

Maybe I need one of those knit hats with a built-in beard.
Well hey, thanks for the developer input from you and socrates200X. I like seeing devs involved with the community.

And, If that's the case then at least they must really be some good beards you're working on in there. Keep it up! :tops:
I'm 19 and I need to shave every few days or I look like a tramp
It's not all good news though. My beard, unlike my hair, is ginger. I don't really know what caused this
Darn shame. Mine has a stray blonde hair now and then but it's easy to shave out.
Shave, them... I saw people with that, and I think it just makes the guys who have some long beard hairs coming out of the neck look weird... I think it's better to have a shaved beard, than have 3 long facial hairs on the chin...
I hate neck hairs. All they do is cause me to get razor bumps on my neck and an occasional painful catch in my coat zipper.
45 here, and my beard is getting whiter by the year. You can still see brown, but the white is winning. Yeah, I'm getting old, but I'd like to think the white makes me look "distinguished".

Add: I think I've actually had a beard since before Arena came out. Man, I AM old.
Say it loud say it proud. That is an awesome feat.
ima wear fur armour, grow a beard and paint blue morrowind-style patterns on my face
This is also a nice idea. Except for the part that the Nords are the former arch-rival of the Dunmer. :pinch:
i will even it out a a gotee isnt a man beard.
Says you. D:
I've been blessed with unusual hairiness since my youth, had a solid goatee for the last two years of highschool. It was maybe about two years ago that I grew it out to a full beard. I'm 21 and would frequently make other older duds I worked with jealous cause they couldn't grow beards as well. Unfortunately, it doesn't grow very long yet except for in the chin region, but the rest of it is a nice even inch or so. I actually just got done growing it out for a month. Had to shave it because I look way better with the neck beard shaved off, and the rest of it just poofs out, doesn't get that nice triangular beard shape.
^ This right here is almost exactly the same story as mine. Except I'm 20 instead of 21.
Awesome thread and idea! I'm on job search right now, so I don't think I can pull it off though...
I think Bethesda should do a beard growing contest! People who want to participate would have to take a picture before they started growing the beard and then in October or November 2011 take the final pic. Then have the community decide on the best beard, and the winner gets a Collector's Edition of Skyrim. :yes:
I would absolutely love to see that.
I've already had a thick goatee/circle beard going on for a few years now and cannot grow it much more then it already is in order to maintain my job. But, I have recently started to grow a soul patch inside of it inspired by Ezio Audiotore in AC: Brotherhood. So I will keep on doing so as my beard for Skyrim!
And seesh! Where were all of these facial fur supporting women when I was single? :hubbahubba: