Hair grow? [NUMMIT] no! I want what I pick, ESPECIALLY after I slaved for hours to make a character that I find acceptable. Having that character change would piss me off. I will accept a barber profession, only so that if I grow bored with a hair style I can always change it.
Dragonborn says:
Oh, hey sorry Alduin. Uhm, I know I'm like, the Dovahkiin and everything. And we have a appointment to do battle at around 3 O' Clock. But, you know. We should reschedule, cause I really need to go to the barber and get my beard trimmed.
Alduin responds:
Yeah, yeah, that's fine. I'll just "postpone" devouring the world so you can get a haircut. Yeah.
Dragonborn says:
Thanks man. I knew you would understand.
Alduin patiently waits for the Dragonborn to enter the barber shop. Alduin then devours the entire town in one gulp.