Why should females be able to grow a beard? this makes no sense.
I wonder if I should report you for sixually discriminating

I have always wanted to play a female argonian with long beard.
On the other hand, beard might be a slot the same way tail is in Oblivion so no beard let you wear two enchanted amulets or a headband.
More serious see no reason why hair and beard should grow, yes you have a hair length adjustment in Oblivion on most hair. but that if you select max length in the beginning?
I doubt they restrict your slider so it can grow longer over time. Also it look like Skyrim support longer hair styles who might lack length adjustment.
Now add that two month is a long time in the game so the hair growth would hardly be visible.
Yes to having some npc who can change your hairstyle, you might want to change and you might get clipping issues with the long hair you started with.
Yes to be able to pull beards and also tails.