This thread implies that only fully-grown men are allowed to be excited over video games. I'm sure our ladies here will want to be included, no?
This thread implies that only fully-grown men are allowed to be excited over video games. I'm sure our ladies here will want to be included, no?
Young/ Old/ six/ proclivities / race I figure don't matter much if your here you are obviously cool. Double so if you post in the threads!!!
That said
"Ladies, allow me to introduce myself they call me 2-caps." The gaunt fellow slicks back his hair as he tilts back his bar stool to balance on two legs in an effort to look cool, Teetering a second before nearly loosing control, he just barely keeps his pistol from falling out its holster, but he manages to slop his beer into his lap, making it look like he has just wet himself. "Well that could have gone better." he grimly adds.
(it is funny how so many younger than me are so much smarter, imaginative, and all around better at gaming. )
I'm 44 and as big Kev used to say. "I'm Exicited!"
I am 27 though still not a grown up. No family responsibility or anything like that. Still video games are central to my life and nothing gets me hyped like Bethesda games. So the Fallout 4 wait is hard on the mind and body!
Same generation here. Be 52 this year. Got wife (been married 28 years), kids, grandkids, cats, dog ... games. Priorities not in the same order.
I play my 3DS during lunch breaks and PC at home.
My 44 yr. old son is pretty stoked about the game but I'm not sure he is as excited as his Mom.
What surprises me the most about this is thread is that you're not all virgins
The thread does lack a certain desperation, doesn't it?
I'm 63 and I'm still not a grown up. I refuse to grow up. Being a grown up is highly over-rated, I have always said.
C. S Lewis (lion witch and wardrobe) wrote this,unfortunately it does not work for 2-caps defense as I have always been a bit daft as well as childish.
“Critics who treat 'advlt' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be advlt themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being advlt is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”
Almost turning 34 and buying a new rig this week to experience next generation games, being Fallout 4 the main "culprit".
Nothing wrong about feeling like a kid again, having fun and spoiling ones self every once in a while.
I think most people has moved past the "games are just for children" thing.
I'm 34. I've been gaming since the Atari 2600 and I will be playing until I die. I've never understood why some people feel the need to bash gaming. Anyone who bashes gaming or thinks it's just for children have failed to educate themselves. They are the ones who are immature, not those of us who get excited about the next big game. Having just gone through a personal tragedy in the past month, I can still look forward to the release of Fallout 4 and feel that I will still be able to enjoy something in the future. If some people think that makes me childish, then so be it.
And that is why I talked about my son enjoying it. He's a man. And he's all done with his degrees.
Someone above posted that Fallout was for kids. I actually disagree strongly about this. How much richer is the game if you can compare it to what actually happened in our reality (ie the non invention of the transistor, the oil crisis). And I think to be able to do that you need to be old enough to not neccesary remember that reality but be interested enough in the past.
Also look back at Fallout 1. You essentially HAD to read the manual as there was no instructional zone to learn how to do things. You needed to know what the keys did.. you would read the manual. How many people read the manual now? Back in 97 I was turning 20, and I remember playing Fallout 1. I dont remember any practice zones or anything like that. I remember running from raiders and radscorpions. I do think games have gotten easier.
Hell what would be the reaction now to finding you had say 40 days to fix Project Purity or the systems would degrade into uselessness?
Im now 37 and Im still excited about Fallout.