Although I will be taking time off legitimately, it would be rather embarrassing (and hilarious) if I came back to work with the thing still on.
Although I will be taking time off legitimately, it would be rather embarrassing (and hilarious) if I came back to work with the thing still on.
It's not anymore shameful or a waste of time than tv or books, with added cognitive benefits and such. I started playing games at 4 years old and I don't intend to ever stop.
FO4 releases 10 days before my 62nd birthday. It will be the best birthday ever.
Started over 30 years ago and I am over 50 now. But I do not see myself as a "gamer". I just always knew from the very beginning that "video games" was the pathway to virtual reality, and maybe "holodeck" after that.
Mod makers. users and the DEV are laying the important ground work for VR's AI, virtual physics. "graphics", abeyant systems and other sciences that are now just called games.
On a more personal note:
I use to be one of the highest ranking Historical melee fighters in my organization (and president of our california chapter) but now with a debilitating back injury virtual reality "games" are a god send to me.
I have a week off from work as well, first to play it them to work out the plans on paper for the combat/companion/weather and other mods I will make (while waiting for Beth to release the creation tools).
That can be changed
I'm probably among the younger members on here at 21, but it's nice to see that people into their 70s can appreciate gaming.
Hopefully as time passes, gaming will garner the same respect T.V and film has, where everyone of every age, background, and culture can get lost in beautiful worlds together.
You probably are because it's just her face and a bit of upper chest
I love Fallout! My reason for getting a PS4.
But it isn't Zelda U.
My daughter got married on 11/11/11 and both she and her husband are big TES and FO fans. They took their Xbox360 on the honeymoon.
Fallout 4 and MGS V are my two reasons to finally go 'next gen'.
Grown men get excited about watching sport all the time, why should a game be different?
States the average gamer is 35 years old and nearly half (44%) are women.
Video games don't belong to any specific age group as the general public and news media would like to believe. It's a form of entertainment for all to enjoy, where we're free to get excited for the awesomeness that are video games.
* raises hand
I requested the week off immediately after Beth's announcement. I'm the only avid gamer in the office so no one is the wiser at this point... not that it matters. I earned the leave.
I took time off for Skyrim as well.
THANK YOU. In my mind, sports fandom is the nerdiest, nuttiest, most obsessive pastime of them all.