I wouldnt mind the idea of a level based crime system such as GTA, where each tier gives worse consequences.
Well nice idea, consequences always good, you divide bounty on different levels with various consequences (seems its work with infamy) thats great idea but how about additional features?
Regional known bountyFor example in your system 5 levels of bounty, crimes from first to third can be known in local area but guards from different location didn't know about them, but crime of last level can be known in other regions since its has large bounty and guards can be informed about such heavy crimes.
Best example its Apples and Crown of Jewels stole apple and only local owner and guards will know about it, stole major relic and all region will talk about such heist, another thing kills of famed peoples for DB and kill of beggar, some crimes can be know in different regions when small crimes can known only locally.
Bounty reduction overtime Peoples forgot evil things, investigation become stale, there can be more important things for guards, criminals hides until things settle down, so bounty can reduce overtime, larger bounty will take longer time, while small bounty can be forgotten after few days.
Sneak skill check on sight encounter and equipped stolen item recognizeBy some reason all can recognize criminal scums and all stolen items has unremovable stolen mark on them, why not add sneak skill check on such things, so stealth can be usable even in public places not only in shadows?
There can be some checks in in such recognition not only sneak skill also, wearing special items thats will increase disguise of character like uniforms robes and masks, some things can increase chance to be recognized like wear of stolen items on sight of guards or previous owner, or try cell stolen goods back to him.
Good rogues can remove marks of ownership from items (thats can work as perks with requirement in mercantile/speechcraft and alchemy/smithing), dilettantes and apprentices will travel in another areas or looks for Thieves Guild fences for sale such items,
such system is better then as stolen marks on all loot.
Guilds and factions can change level of %PCname bountyThieves guild can bribe court, temples can clean reputations for donation or pilgrimage, doing quests for area ruling factions will reduce level of bounty.