» Mon Feb 14, 2011 9:38 am
I agree, most of the worlds don't have much to do in it. But at least there are 65 unique random encounters, that will never stop challange even skilled characters and there is a hugh player home with a lot of details and surely not much worser than other player homes and you can switch between different vehicles, use them as storage on travel, you could use those many features for your companions, you could use the trading hub to sell your stuff and so on.
It's by far not, that there are only a few empty worlds in it. Many of those features took a lot of work and it's not fair, how regulary I have to read, that GTS is nothing but a resource. Other mods only add a single weather theme, like fellout and get tousends of endorsemants for it. Nobody complains there. Like, why is fellout so amazing, it only adds a weathertype. Or all those other mods, that adds a single armor or weapon. What's so amazing about them? They only add a weapon. Why not everyone open the GECK and just start something similar like GTS. Maybe then he notice, that creating worlds isn't done in a minute and proberbly deserves a little more respect.
Just to mention, GTS has roughly more new worldspaces in it, than the entire fallout community was able to pull off in 2 years and instead of moaning, someone could just finish develope the GTS cities with some NPCs or Quests. The locations are all pretty far developed, it wouldn't be that magic to add some more content there and it could be done in a couple of weeks. It's free for anyone to do so and it's surely more worthy than releasing armor and weapon mod nr. 5200.
If this community would be better in actually doing something instead of complaining, maybe more people would already understand the purpose of GTS. It was made in mind with all the problems the Oblivion-Community had in matter of missing space for all those city and location mods. So I made GTS to give the Fallout3 Community a chance to do it better. But to name the facts, the fallout3 community is just a hugh disappointement compared to the great quest and world mods that were released for Oblivion and therefore GTS did fail so to speak. But that's not the fault of GTS.