GTX 960 -- Black Screen on Launch crash

Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:15 pm

After installing Fallout4 on steam, I clicked 'Play' through the fallout4 launcher but the game would open to a blackscreen then immeaditely go back to the desktop. Is there anyway to get debugging information?
I've been trying to troubleshoot the problem various different ways. I've tried installing fresh drivers after completely removing them with the DDU utility. I've tried installing the Fallout4 beta update and lowering the graphics settings to 'low'. I've also tried various options of windowed/borderless that some people claimed to fix this problem with different aspect ratios. Additionally, I tried installing an older driver version that some people were claiming fixed this problem (355.6).
However, nothing seems to be helping with the immediate close back to the desktop. Are there any other suggestions for debugging? I should meet at least the minimum requirements for the game, and in most categories recommended.
Time of this report: 12/4/2015, 22:51:36
Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
System Manufacturer: ASUS
System Model: All Series
BIOS: BIOS Date: 05/26/15 10:47:04 Ver: 22.03
Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4690K CPU @ 3.50GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.5GHz
Memory: 8192MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 8130MB RAM
Page File: 4690MB used, 11567MB available
Windows Dir: C:\Windows
DirectX Version: DirectX 11
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
User DPI Setting: Using System DPI
System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled
DxDiag Version: 6.01.7600.16385 32bit Unicode
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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:24 pm

First I would use the steam cache validation to make sure there are no corrupt files in the install. Also get the latest nvidia game ready driver. I think it is 359.06 they added special driver support for fo4 in late 358 or first 359 driver.

I am running a gtx 960 and never saw this issue.
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:35 am

I would also suggest a clean boot:

You can leave anti-malware and steam service checked.

CHeck the event viewer.

Look under windows logs. CHeck both sys and app logs. You can clear them and recreate the problem.

See if anything comes up. Just right click the logs and select the clear log.

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..xX Vin Xx..
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:26 pm

The 960 is a super card for this game. Frame rate is excellent - if you ever get yours running. I am on Windows 10 Pro. 240 hours in, and not a single CTD.

It does not need low settings, either.
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Alycia Leann grace
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Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 6:25 am

Hi, I was also having trouble with my ASUS laptop running a 960M. Just found a fix by disabling my intel 4400 in the device manager through the control panel. The blackscreen was being caused by fallout not using the 960M. Disabling the Intel forces it to use the Nvidia card.

Not sure if that will help in your situation but just wanted to share.

Good luck!


I spoke too soon :( Doing this gets me past the blackscreen problem. The main menu runs great, the intro plays fine and then when I get to the character creation screen the game runs at 1fps :(

Will keep trying. In my case its some problem with the game finding the GPU :/

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Alexis Estrada
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