» Wed Mar 09, 2011 3:43 am
Ah, the law, the first thing I made a giant essay about changing years ago.
I would prefer an evidence system. When you or an NPC does something illegal, there's a % chance (based on things like stealth and pickpocket skills) of leaving an invisible "evidence marker", which the player can't see. These gradually fade over time, and the guards don't get involved until someone reports the crime. A murder in the street is going to be public knowledge real fast, but if you steal a few things from an attic, it may be a week before anyone goes up there and notices. The guards, once alerted, investigate the scene and find any evidence markers. Each one has a certain value depending, again, on what you were doing and relevant skills. If they add up to a sufficient amount, you are pursued and confronted. If you have a known home or places of business (like factions), they look there first. If you're not found, wanted posters go up, particularly at town gates, where guards can quickly spot you. Depending on how much evidence is available against you and your own speech skills, you could convince the guard confronting you of your innocence. Small-time crimes wouldn't warrant any increase in guard patrols, but a wanted murderer on the loose would lead to many more guards.
It would provide a good scaling challenge for thieves; a novice could hit obscure locations for chump change, and much of the evidence would probably be faded by the time it's even reported. As you improve, you can take more risks on where you target and how brazen your crimes are. A master thief might target a castle, leaving scarcely any evidence thanks to their skills, but know there's still a chance for danger because the guards are going to react most aggressively to a crime there, noticing right away and needing a lower evidence score to target you. I don't want guards to automatically know where I am, but have to look. Fleeing through alleys as they chase would be fun, and having a secret room installed in my house where I hide out, hearing them rummage around outside, would be awesome. You'll have to return to town eventually and put yourself at risk, and if you stay outside of town, well...that's another way they win, basically, driving out a thief. If your crimes are bad enough, trackers and bounty hunters might look for you in the wilderness.
Theft aside, it would also make other criminal vocations more varied and interesting. An assassin would try to be genuinely subtle, firing an arrow through a window, instead of just walking into someone's house and stabbing them because it makes no difference. Other killers might try to hide the body. It would be easy enough to add generic "I heard someone was murdered" or "such and such store was robbed" type statements to NPC pvssyr, or mention the events on town bulletins that tell citizens to be careful. I would love to skillfully orchestrate a robbery that's done quickly and efficiently, leaving little evidence, and walk through town hearing people talk about my deeds. The delayed status of reporting crimes, and gradual searches, would also make it so you can't just save and load to redo something without getting seen and thus easily avoid all consequences of everything you do.
Resisting arrest should still, in most cases, be non-lethal. Can't guards carry clubs? Have them knock you out and haul you to jail instead of a ten-man team trying to murder you for touching an apple. Punishment should be, simultaneously, more and less severe I think. I've always hated the ability damage of prison, but removing it makes it a non-punishment. Most cases might involve a fine AND jailtime. Being in jail could make you fail quests or be ejected from factions, inability to pay fines could result in confiscation of items and property. Attribute damage could come in other ways; if your crimes are bad enough you might suffer from lashes or other corporal punishment, giving you things like damage to attributes or max health that has to be healed from over time. Murder should never be shrugged off as easily as a small fine. If you're a known serial killer, or have otherwise accumulated a bad enough history, then you should be considered kill on sight, forever. You chose that life, you get to pay for it. Not everyone would instantly recognize you, especially in other towns, and I would also advocate things for another thread like disguises and other stealth options so that it's not an instant block to normal gameplay, but yeah, an actual working justice system of some kind would be nice.