1) Being in jail, even for a day, decreased your abilities
2) Guards instantly knew who committed a crime, even if they did not see it or no one did.
3) Guards could easily find you, you could not hide from them
4) How quickly news of a crime spread, steal something in Bruma and get arrested Anvil, how?
5) The fact you can pay to get out going to jail. For a minor crime maybe, but not for murder.
Things that should be added:
1) Hide form guards.
2) More crimes such as arson, hostage situations, [censored], etc
3) the death penalty for crimes (which you can escape from, and you spend time in jail before)
4) Civilians commit crimes, and go to jail etc.
5) If you have a hood or mask on, or are invisible, and you commit a crime, you should have to be chased first before someone found out it was you - no one should instantly know!
And one more thing, if you have an inadvisability spell on, and you interacted with one thing, the spell wore of. That not how invisibility should work!
What do you think?