abotGuars.esp if you have both Tribunal.esm and Bloodmoon.esm loaded
abotGuarsTribunal.esp if you have Tribunal.esm only loaded
abotGuarsBloodmoon.esp if you have Bloodmoon.esm only loaded
if you have both Tribunal.esm and Bloodmoon.esm loaded, you should load ONLY abotGuars.esp
if you have Tribunal.esm only (not Bloodmoon.esm) loaded, you should load ONLY abotGuarsTribunal.esp
if you have Bloodmoon.esm only (not Tribunal.esm) loaded, you should load ONLY abotGuarsBloodmoon.esp
The only difference between abotGuars.esp, abotGuarsTribunal.esp and abotGuarsBloodmoon.esp is in the long-range teleporting scripts, which consider
- standard Morrowind teleporting locations + locations added by Tribunal only for abotGuarsTribunal.esp
- standard Morrowind teleporting locations + teleporting locations added by Bloodmoon only for abotGuarsBloodmoon.esp
- standard Morrowind teleporting locations + teleporting locations added by Tribunal only + teleporting locations added by Bloodmoon only for abotGuars.esp
If you load more than one of these 3 .esp, you will have doubling because the content is nearly the same.
tech note: I could have done a single big .esp for Morrowind plus 2 small extra .esp (with just the changed scripts) to add for Tribunal and Bloodmoon.
This would have been simpler to maintain, but this way you would have been forced to load more than one .esp to have Tribunal/Bloodmoon teleporting.