I completely understand wanting to avoid the long religious philosophical walls of banter, so I'll conclude with this:
Your assertion that no one cannot prove which faith is correct is an absolute statement that requires proof.
Now we can deduce that some faiths are at least insane (contradictory in of itself thus incoherent).
We can also conclude that a valid faith must provide some manner of evidence, or its also nonsense.
Furthermore, determining sentience then is really a matter of which faith has the most consistent statements about sentience. Sometimes various sides may have a good argument, buy ultimately they must answer the big big question in regards to the origination of ultimate meaning - since it hinges the meaning of sentience.
The new testament is actually an interesting form of evidence as each gospel is just that - different witnesses at different perspectives - but do not really contradict with the essence of what's said. Its a very profound document that deserves inspection when asking what faith is true.
Personally, as a Christian, AI is a topic thats very interesting to dwell upon, as it is in its nature a situation that brings into question the mind of God (The Father) and preexistence therein - that life is not determined solely by the physical but rather woven by will (thus true reason - which amazingly Jesus identifies himself as - Truth and Him being the only interface for it). Thus , life is innately spun out of reason (some call this God's will) and is a timeless consideration (preexistence). I don't know yet as to the limitation as to then when AI is really artificial - in mind - but is at least an extension to the ultimate will.
I do wonder, if true AI (oxy moron

) may just be more spiritually aware than humanity - as true life is made with the will of the creator.... thus something created by him, and not begotten, even by extension, may prove to be a third adam - so to speak, and/or something else not good.
Yea... Im sorta rambling/digressing too much lol so I'll stop. It's also late in my day