Oh, i'm with you 100%. I've been a TES fan since '96 when my college roomie introduced me to Daggerfall. Even with my total disgust at how Skyrim as a whole was handled since day one, i'd hate to see Beth brought low as a company.
@1-ESO is being made by ZOS(ZeniMax Online Studios) which is a division of Zenimax...just like Bethesda Game Studios. So yeah, even if you leave out the fact that that MMO is based directly on lore from the TES franchise, BGS does have something to do with ZOS.
Touching briefly on my question to chickenkungfu, Square-Enix is currently looking at a first quarter losses of over $130 million. This is pretty much a direct result of SE funneling almost all of their revenue stream into the black hole of fail that is Final Fantasy 14. Monetary assets, subscription fees from their other online games(notably FF11), manpower from other divisions, etc; the whole 'kit and kabootle'. And sadly FF14 tanked hard in a genre that is not expanding any longer.
Ongoing massive restructuring of the SE as a whole is the result-from the top to the bottom. CEO "stepped down", downsizing of all of their offices worldwide, development of new projects is on hold and many in development stage projects are being re-evaluated. Not good times for them atm.
So yeah, ZOS is a different division, but you can bet if Zenimax is pooling resources to pour into ESO, that game is going to need to do VERY well. Because MMOs are not the cash cow they used to be. They have always been a gamble, but its even more of one now since the genre is on the way out.
@2- If Skyrim was opened up to 64bit, any kind of DLC limitation would disappear. But that would never happen because the 360 wouldn't be able to take advantage of it. IMO anyways.