» Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:16 am
Also, try to use Proxy alarm instead of Armor enhance, tells you when they are close.
Why use proxy alarm..."tells you when they are close" ?
"They"... ...are always close...
...and proxy alarm goes off all the time...
(because guess what...the map is full of hostiles anyway)
its more of a distraction for me anyway...
The trick is to survive an encounter with them...
and armor enhance offers more to that.
Actually lately ive been noticing nanovision and proximity alarm have failed me, and that's odd since my ping is so low, but i see a cloaker walking by and i turn around, and he's gone! I can swear it was someone, I shoot at something randomly that has a heat signature, only to grab attention, followed by being blasted away by the shotgun noob,
i know I wasn't crazy, proximity alarm assured me it was real, and i made sure he wasnt using blind spot because through out the round i could see them perfectly at a long distance,
im just sick of little glitches like that getting me killed. alot. and it only seems to be a lethal mistake with Marshall whores. how can i have a chance to fight back when its only one shot from death? and trust me, ive used the marshall alot before, and never have stooped so low to the tactics these a$sholes bring.
Train yourself in spotting people with your own eyes, don't rely on perks and nano vision.
Proxy alarm level 1 is almost useless, it warns you almost never and you will have to rely on those red bar thingies. Once you level it up, it's awesome.
@S0V3|23iGN: You should always try to flank people and kill them in 1 shot. You should get close enough through cloak, kill him and run the f*ck away. If you don't kill them in one hit but you are sure you hit him, punch the dude, if he's not dead by that time, you are doing it wrong...