Guessing the skill list!

Post » Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:41 am

My guess is

1. Alchemy
2. Illusion
3. Conjuration
4. Restoration
5. Destruction
6. Alteration
7. Enchanting
8. Smithing
9. Crafting
10. Persuasion
11. Melee Weapons (swords, axes, short blades, blunt weapons, spears, pole arms)
12. Marksman
13. Dual Wielding
14. Athletic (Previous athletic, acrobatic, and climbing)
15. Stealth (sneak and security)
16. Unarmored
17. Light Armor
18. Heavy Armor

Shields divided between armor protection in armor skill and damage in melee skill. Most of the specialization will be done through perks so their is still massive amounts of differences, it is just the skills that are simplified.
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Alex Vincent
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Post » Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:22 pm

My guess is

1. Alchemy
2. Illusion
3. Conjuration
4. Restoration
5. Destruction
6. Alteration
7. Enchanting
8. Smithing
9. Crafting
10. Persuasion
11. Melee Weapons (swords, axes, short blades, blunt weapons, spears, pole arms)
12. Marksman
13. Dual Wielding
14. Athletic (Previous athletic, acrobatic, and climbing)
15. Stealth (sneak and security)
16. Unarmored
17. Light Armor
18. Heavy Armor

Shields divided between armor protection in armor skill and damage in melee skill. Most of the specialization will be done through perks so their is still massive amounts of differences, it is just the skills that are simplified.

One overall melee weapon skill would be horrible O.O
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jeremey wisor
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Post » Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:26 pm

i think armorer will be removed instead there will be craft stats that have nothing to do whit leveling

Assuming one fewer skill from each of the 3 divisions (

I'd bet on Athletics and Acrobatics getting axed.

So long as we still have a speed attribute, the main bonuses from these could easily be integrated into perks.

Moreover, they were among the most exploitable skills with absurd results. Supers-speed walking and moon jumping are likely to go if, as Todd says, they want to make the world look more believable (he mentioned how dumb it looked that you backed up at the same speed you ran forward, and we all know these skills can result in some pretty dumb-looking antics when they reach higher levels).
i hope not i love ruining at fast speed and i jump a lot.
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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Mon Aug 02, 2010 1:55 am

  • Alchemy
  • Illusion
  • Conjuration
  • Destruction
  • Restoration
  • Alteration
  • Enchanting
  • Smithing = (Crafting+Repair)
  • Boxing
  • Ranged = (Bow+Crossbow+Throwing)
  • One handed = (Any type)
  • Two handed = (Any type)
  • Defense = (Block+Parry)
  • Athletics + (Acrobatics/Dodge/Running/Swimming)
  • Security
  • Stealth
  • Persuasion (Speechcraft+Mercantile)
  • Edit: Mining? Pole Arms? Learning? Dragon Shouting? What?

And I looked at the constellations in the Page 55, and saw that all the constellations are shaped like trees which have 3-4 branches, with further sub-branches ahead.

Added that to other information gathered in GI cover, I decided that the skill perks are like a small hierarchy of perks that are interdependent on each other and the root of the tree is the skill itself, and there are 3-4 major perk branches that can be pursued for the skill to the higher level perks.
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Post » Mon Aug 02, 2010 3:13 am

I was skeptical at first, however Dragatus from another forum has made some good points:

Anyway, that leaves 3 more skills to be cut. I seriously hope Light and Heavy Armor are two of them, I think the game would be better off without them even if they don't give us anything in return. Then we only have one more skill to cut and my guess is that it's either Athletics or Mercantile. Both of them were support skills and couldn't really carry a character so I wouldn't really miss either. Static movement speed is acceptable to me and all the TES games I've played had a broken economy anyway. Okay, it would be better to have a non-broken economy than to cut the Mercantile skill, but I'm trying to be realistic and it would be kind of nice for Bethesda to acknowledge their limitations. smug

The 6 skills that were lost in transition from Morrowind to Oblivion are Medium Armor, Unarmored, Axe, Light Blade, Spear, and Enchant. The first two are armor skills and I'm actually glad they went the way of the dodo. Enchant is making a comeback and the remaining 3 are weapon skills. But my guess is that they'll be handling that with perks. The article specifically mentiones a perk that allows your maces to penetrate enemy armor. So having just One-handed Weapons and Two-handed Weapons skills is fine, if you augment them with perks. AoD will have a bunch of weapon skills, but it has the weapon "perks" built into the skills. If perks are not built into the skills themselves it's actually reasonable to have only a small number of weapon skills.

So overall, I'm really not bothered by there being only 18 skills.

Although I still wish there were some extra skills, like climbing. Hopefully the removed skills are the armour type ones, which never really made sense anyway.
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Rachel Cafferty
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Post » Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:02 am

Get rid of Luck (always been useless), and combine agility and speed (redundant).


I've seen a lot of support for your idea here. Only problem I have with it is this, Stealth characters kind of get hammered again. The Thief sign gives a bonus to the three you are saying we should get combine/get rid of. So if a Warrior has Strenth and Endurance and a Mage has Intelligence and Willpower, what is a Rogue left with? Agility and Personality? I just think that would be a bitter pill to swallow for stealth characters. If you are a cat burgler or rogue or assassin...I don't see personality as a major need. Speed I can see, as well as Agility. I completely understand your point on Luck. As much as I like the attribute, you're right...luck really shouldn't be an attribute. Useless I disagree on. Since DF, I've focused my PC on Luck and have always been rewarded with crit's/better treasure than other PC's I went thru as a different type of character. So I think the way luck was implemented was good, if you wanted a "lucky" player. But again, as much as I hate to admit it, Luck isn't an attribute along the lines of Strength and the others.
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Post » Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:06 am

My guess would be they'll merge sneak and security, maybe even merge speechcraft with mercantile. Merge or drop athletics and acrobatics (I remember someone starting a thread about this but why do you think they'll remove them?) . Mysticism becomes enchanting and armorer becomes smithing. This (dropping acrobatics and athletics) could potentially mean they'd have one "free" skill slot so they might come up with something new or re-instate long and short blade or axe.
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Post » Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:48 pm

I was skeptical at first, however Dragatus from another forum has made some good points:

Although I still wish there were some extra skills, like climbing. Hopefully the removed skills are the armour type ones, which never really made sense anyway.

Great post, thanks for sharing. With Smithing coming in, maybe we could see climbing or traps added. I can see them combining Mercantile and Speechcraft, but then you only have two skills associated wtih personality and one is illusion. I guess we'll have to see if the attributes are truly gone or just weren't shown in GI. I just hold out hope that there is a surprise coming for stealth characters. I think it's great that warriors got Smithing and that Mages got Enchant back....would there be something for Thieves? I know some people have said Alchemy, but that would be difficult to fit into every thief build.
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El Goose
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Post » Mon Aug 02, 2010 2:32 am

I was skeptical at first, however Dragatus from another forum has made some good points:

Although I still wish there were some extra skills, like climbing. Hopefully the removed skills are the armour type ones, which never really made sense anyway.

I think that post was right on the money. It makes a lot of sense that perks will flesh out the skills, rather than trying to cover everything through skills.

And I agree about armour skills. They really do make little sense, given that they are essentially skills in... nothing.
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Trista Jim
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Post » Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:21 am

I was skeptical at first, however Dragatus from another forum has made some good points:

I'm not just from another forum. ;)

Here's another part of my post on that other forum:

We know Mysticism is gone, but as long as it's spell effects are still there I won't really miss the skill. Hopefully they used them to strengthen Alteration as I found both Alteration and Mysticism to be fairly lackluster in Oblivion. Destruction, Restoration, and Illusion were all fun, and Conjuration was really good if you maxed it early. But Alteration and Mysticism were both pretty weak.

To elaborate, they both had some good effects (Detect Life, Open) but most of them were something you'd rather just slap on your gear as enchantment than actually cast for yourself. I really don't like defensive spells.
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Ryan Lutz
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Post » Mon Aug 02, 2010 6:21 am

I'm not just from another forum. ;)

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Post » Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:33 am

1- marksmen
2- destruction
3- Illusion
4- alteration
5- Alchemy/cooking
6- Enchanting
7- Blacksmith/mining
8- Athletics/acrobatics
9- Conjuring
10- Security/sneaking (stealth)
11- Blocking
12- Persuasion (speech-craft/mercantile)
13- Dual wielding
14- One handed weapons combat
15- Two handed weapons combat
16- Hand to hand combat
17- Armor (light, medium, heavy)
18- Restoration

that's it I guess
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