I'm trying to take arthmoor's advice about taking the (hopefully easier) route of merging only the UL mods into a merged mod. I'm having problems with my logic, but first I want to make sure I don't need to (or do need to worry) about a cert thing.
First the mods I hope to merge:
The patch: Their masters (with the load order number for this list in parenthesis):
1. Ravenpride-Stendarr Patch.esp v2.0: None
2. TheNecromancer-StendarrValley patch.esp v1.0: None
3. Lost Spires-Dark Forest Patch.esp v 1.1: None
4. LostSpires-Everglade patch.esp v1.1: None
5. BCChorrol-ChorrolHinterland v1.4: BetterCitiesResources 1
6. TheElderCouncil-FanleafEverglade patch.esp v1.1: ElderCouncil 3
7. TheNecromancer-EntiusGorge patch.esp v1.0: Necromancer 5
8. LostSpires-BravilBarrowfields patch.esp v1.0: Barrowfield 6 + Lost spires 4
9. BC_B&M-Barrowfield v2.0: BarrowField 6
10. OldCrowInn-AncientRedwoods patch.esp v1.1: Old Crow Inn 2 + Ancient Redwoods 8
11. xULulPatch_AY_AC.esp v1.1: AncientYews 7 +ArriusCreek 9
I'm under the impression that the patch should always have the masters load in the order that is mandated by what order the patches are merged. After creating a couple of merges I see in Wrye Bash some green and some orange (meaning out of order).
So the first question - is that important? Is it required to have the masters load in the order the patch says?
Next question is how? Is there a logic behind it? After several passes I cannot get that to be so AND stick to conventional load order logic.
any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.