how many members do you need to start a guild bank?
how many members do you need to start a guild bank?
also note that thats 10 active accounts
if a member leaves, so you are 9 left, the guildbank doesnt work any more(can still take items out, but not put in)
yep which means you cannot have your own guild for you and your alts POOF there goes half the pve playerbase /shrug
I find it fun to find ways to do things you want with out using exploits. so im just fishing right now:)
actually I am concerned if what you are saying is true that your actually required to have 10 accounts in order to access the guild bank then this might actually be a dealbreaker for me and my wife, I will have to look into it more because if this IS the case then I know for a fact my wife and kid will not play the game which could force me to change my mind as well,,,,,so I hope your wrong about it
... your wife and kid will not play the game without a guild bank? :/ That's a... weird set of priorities.
If it's about sharing drops, you can mail each other stuff, and leave it in the mail indefinitely.
Or you could, yknow, join a real guild There are plenty of small friendly ones around.
my wife is a crafter my son is a crafter I am a crafter the current bag/bank extreme shortage has been a huge hindrance in every beta test thus far we were all extremely annoyed last beta when we had to literally each choose one crafting skill and level it per account since there was literally no room to supply and feed two crafting skills per account nevermind 3 or more
well if you are 3 people(you, wife, kid) you could make deals with 3 people each, about keeping each others guildbanks active, which would take 3 of your 5 guild slots, and then you would only be 1 person short, and still be able to be a member of 2 guilds each for pve pvp whatever
is there anything what you not already said in the bag-space thread about that topic? realy need for a new topic about the same blabla?
psst I didnt start the topic number 1 and number 2 the news that banks require 10 individual accounts in order to unlock them is new information I wasnt aware of before and I am glad my concern over the huge shortage of storage space is just blabble to people like you
thats rather condescending, their guild would be no less real than any other out there
I asked a very simple question and got my answer. After that is all other stuff. and i didnt feel like reading though over 1000 posts for a very simple question.
So there is hopefully no expecatation that all the design changes because of some individuals doing their own thing, I guess?
But independet of this: Yes, for the umpteenth time: Bank and Bag slots and all the inventory and bank management and the shortage of slots is an issue, there are thousand posts and hundrets of threads discussing this. Sooner or later this will be adjusted from ZOS, because the current situation is not really satisfying the community.
You aren't alone. There are a lot of us serious, dedicated crafters. Rather than being forced to stop exploring, never chase down that butterfly for its insect parts and walk by ore nodes because there simply isn't enough room for crafting mats under the current system, we have been begging ZOS for a superior crafting mat storage system for months.
It is true (I have personally verified it in game) that you need 10 players to maintain your guild bank.
Hopefully ZOS will listen and steal borrow the Guild Wars 2 crafting material storage system, widely lauded as far and away the best method of handling the massive # of different crafting materials without having any impact whatsoever on non-crafters.
I dont care how they do it as long as they do something about it because right now I really dont like the system in place it doesnt cater or encourage crafting at all
Yeah because half of the pve playerbase is running a one man guild
If half of the pve player base are crafters, they would need it. The storage system for crafting mats is a bad, bad joke right now.
I know for a fact that a huge % of mmorpg pve players like crafting and having their own alt guild, this game does NOT support that, this is why there is a problem and this is only one aspect of the storage space that affect players
Ah well if you know that for a fact then i guess there's no point in discussing.