the tier as i see it goes like
2 co leaders
4 council members [pvp][pve][crafting][roleplaying]
1 officer per 8 members officers would only have small minimal authority mainly the ability to vote
the tier as i see it goes like
2 co leaders
4 council members [pvp][pve][crafting][roleplaying]
1 officer per 8 members officers would only have small minimal authority mainly the ability to vote
I never said we would always agree. Hell, we have bickered more over this guild than anything before, but we are on good terms. We aren't going to break apart, splitting the guild in two....we're solid. That just doesn't mean we always agree. You should have heard the debate over the back-story...hehe. good times.
i agree completely officers need not only be mature but also.... active contributing members of the guild
Since your guild has many aspects tied to it, maybe you should consider putting an officer on PvE, PvP and RP. Crafting is a fine focus, but imo not worth an officer as anyone can do it and the recipes are shared. What I personally like to do it make a veteran rank that can invite, which takes pressure off officers and guild leader(s). I don't think you can do that in ESO with set ranks.
In the past I've found that only in certain circumstances do you really need an officer for different aspects (i.e. one for PvP and one for PvE). Unless you focus hardcoe on them, one officer usually doesn't need to accommodate one thing, and since there are two guild leaders you two are extended officers and can take slots on PvE and PvP (and should, as they are leadership positions.)
I use my officers mainly to set up events and settle disputes, as well as delegate power to them (kick, recruit, moderate, lead in absence, and general activities such as PvE leading and PvP groups), as well as update forums and such. As guild leaders though you should be more prominent and set the examples. I'm sure you know that though.
Usually I promote new officers when older ones stop logging in, and if I have to demote them I give them a special rank out of courtesy (it all helps to quell drama later on), or when our guild shifts focus and needs more leadership to handle the events. Personally I like to start out with a low amount of officers and promote people that are active and friendly. I sometimes keep a list and score points ( I know, but it's just me) and promote them on that. Whomever is on top of that list is the next to get a promotion.
you make a good point regarding crafting, i to have noticed how easy crafting is in this game im just curious if it get diffecult towards end game, people might not want to spend there time crafting a gold peice of named armor or wpn
I see your point, but I refuse to lead in PvE or PvP, if I know someone in my guild would be better at it. The way I look at it, it is not my job to lead every activity, it is my job to delegate who leads, because, I trust myself to trust other people, who can do it better, while, at the say time, treating people fairly. If that makes any sense. As far as a crafting officer, you may have a point. We will make that determination when the full extent of crafting is explored.
I think they prefer to not accept responsibility.
But I will not question, as demanded, any more.
Heck no. LOL. I hate RP. I prefer to lead the guild, not the events in the guild. I don't understand why people equate leading a guild to leading raids.
One of the most progressive and successful guilds I was in had multiple raidleaders, and not one of them was GL.