So this is what I thought would make the guilds feel more lifelike:
1. TEAMWORK. This has been posted before on multiple occations, but I'm going to revisit it. My idea of teamwork is NOT being the guildmaster and telling some random idiot in the guild "Come with me, bow-fodder, you shall assist me on a vital task!" Then have him go and play bodyguard while I try to shoot arrows with him in the way. I want to have other members of my guild on the quest with me, doing vital things (like picking locks and safes that are otherwise un-pickable, cast a spell that will kill some super boss, sabatoge a vital alchemical experiment, or something completely awesome like punch a big rock blocking the path until it crumbles away) This is what I want to see in this game.
2. GUILD PRESENCE DEPENDING ON THE AREA YOU'RE IN. If you have a bunch of really angry guards that are tough on crime, you don't want to see the Thieves Guild or Dark Brotherhood in that town, if it's full of brutes that think magic is for wimps, there shouldn't be a Mages Guild hall in that town, or if there is, they are always at odds with each other. The guilds' headquarters should always be in a town that tolorates them the most and should be extremely distinct from the other guild halls. When you look at the guilds in Oblivion, it kind of disapoints in this area. The Mages Guild did it right, with differient halls in each town and it's headquarters was the Arcane Universtiy in the Imperial City, you can excuse the Dark Brotherhood because you're not supposed to know where anything other than the Cheydenhall Sanctuary was, but it felt like the Fighters Guild were just carbon copies of each other and what distinction between each other was underdone (the Leyawiin basemanst should have had something awesome in it), and with the Theves Guild, it was like me saying "Where's the Cornerclub?" and they would respond: "Hurr, wutz that?"
It would be awesome if the guild halls adopt thier own look and feel to them, like this:
Mages Guild: The guild halls are brick buildings filled with books, scrolls, potions, alchemical apperatui, and various runes and markings that cause funky things when used. The headquarters should be another University dedicated to magic.
Fighters Guild: These guild halls should have thier buit in smithys hammering away at a sword or piece of armor during the business day, the training halls should be in full swing like in the last game, the senior members should be hiding away in thier offices, scurrying through paperwork and constantly having a Fighters Guild member asking about a contract. Their headquarters should be a small fortress, where the guild plans military campigns with their favored faction in Skyrim and then launches them from this location.
Thieves Guild: The Thieves Guild should own a cornerclub or bar in the shadiest part of town where you can order drinks and chat up the patrons, but the theves go into the "Members Only" part in the basemant, where some guild members are hudeled around a bought map of a place they plan to pick clean, a raspy old guy is waiting for someone to make a purchase of some lockpicks or smoke bombs or something else, and the real person running the local show will tell you what you need to do. The Theves Guild should base thier headquarters out of an old, "abandonded" werehouse or somewhere else in the lowest part of the most corrupt town, an area that is completely devoid of guards.
Dark Brotherhood: The Sanctuary from Oblivion was great, and another one should find it's way into Skyrim, but there should be other locations the guild is seen at, like at a safehouse for the assassin running from the law, or other Sancturies could make thier way into the game as well, and you can find them. The home of the Black Hand should be a secretive location in an area that guards stay away from, and should be cluttered with members of the Black Hand with their assistants and silencers busily working through where to send speakers to arrange assassinations and figuring out who is to do the contract. A picture or statue of Sithis is expected to be on every table and wall, if your not being Sithis-y enough for the Black Hand, you'll be executed.
3. DYNAMIC GUILD HALLS. This was based on the post I made in the last thread, but I'm putting a bit more detail into it now. Your guild's presence is quite lacking in Skyrim, where some towns don't even have a guild hall or base of operations in them. You can pitch in and vote towards what happens with the money donated (essentally ending with what happens to it). You can pay for the permits/bribing guards to not snoop to allow operations to happen in the town, use the money to get a new base of operations up and running, or upgrade an existing guild hall/cornerclub/sancutary. This will earn you a LOT of good standing with the guild and everyone will like you more, bonus quests open up, new options on guild questlines become abailable, you earn perks, random items are given to you for free, ect. The more you give, the more you get.
4. RECURRING QUESTS. This is something I said earlier, where a random quest would be generated in which you have to assassinate or protect an unnamed person, or steal a valuable item from a big house or guard impound, or retireve a magical artifact from demons, evil mages or something else. These quests can be repaeated every 3 or so days and the objective, setting and reward are all completely random.
5. GUILD/TOWN REPS. Since it seems like that, despite your best efforts, people will know if you are in the Thieves Guild or Dark Brotherhood, and will hate you. The Fighters Guild or Mages Guild was made really famous because of thier exploits. That was a great touch, but with the Reputation system introdeuced in New Vegas, I think Bethesda has a real oppertunity to one up it. As you progress through the guild's story or do random jobs for the guild, you should see your reputation with your guild, as well as other guilds, change. For example, becoming a more accomplished guild thief will give you reputation with the Thieves Guild, which will cause the lower class, the beggers, the corrupt guards, and your fellow thieves like you more, while the Mages Guild and Fighters Guild, the honest town guards, and honest shopowners hate you because of your exploits. Towns that are good friends/run by the Thieves Guild would like you much more and some of the people will do things for you that they wouldn't do otherwise.
If you guys like these, thats cool. If you hate them, then give constructive critisism. If you have new ideas, post below.