I got myself Dragons Dogma. I need another game when the wife wants to use the TV and I can't play Dragons Dogma but still want to play a game on the PC or Mac. After seeing Angry Joe's review on this game (was bored and looking through some youtube) it got me really interested in this game.
Last year I read the reviews and they said it was OK nothing great but nothing bad. Angry Joe makes this game look amazing. Seeing how he got a few reviews dead on from what I thought and others that were ok or bad as I thought as well, I am wondering if I should get this game or not.
I missed the sale last month, but just saw the Angry Joe's review a few days ago. Oh well. Went back to see other reviews but they are the same reviews from 2 years ago and nothing new that I could find that would be a recent review of GW 2 since I believe it has changed from launch.
So I am a bit leary of paying $60 again for a game after getting ESO. Didn't play ESO much because it just didn't interest me enough to keep paying $15 a month. Also ESO is my real first MMO that I played. Played GW 1 but didn't like how I had to keep asking people for help and they would turn around and asked to be payed for their help, so I gave up playing (played like a few hours and gave up) since I like Single Player games more.
So my question is, comparing it to ESO since it's the only MMO I really know about what do you think of GW 2? Do you still play it? If not, why? If so, howcome? I know there is no monthly subscription so it no be as a big of a loss as ESO is because I can always come back to it later at no cost.
TL;DR What do you think of GW 2 and why.