Guilds (New and old)

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:45 pm

No, that's silly evil group vs. good group. I'd rather have various organizations like and hate each other, and sometimes sub factions in the organizations.

Also, for the love of Nurgle and Khorne, THE MORAG TONG IS NOT LEGAL! They are ONLY legal in Morrowind, and that is ONLY because they went to Vivec to allow continued and regulated operations in Morrowind. Outside of Morrowind, they're just another group of killers that will be killed. However, Morrowind went boom, and the dunmer driven out to places other than Morrowind. Hell, they assassinated a [NUMMIT] emperor for money. Do not buy into their crap. If given the opportunity, they would run their organization very similar to the Dark Brotherhood. They'd never admit it, but that's only because they became regulated hitmen, in a culture that approves of secret murder.

Yes, i guess i didn't put my idea past to well, i just meant groups that dislike each other and bar you from joining the other group, they don't have to necessary a good vs bad group, but i just thought a mage's vs necromancer would be the obvious one, but don't people complain about having enough karma choices? I think having multiple 'good' and 'evil' guild's may help distinguish your character as bad/good.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:58 pm

The only Arena's mentioned are in the Imperial City and Hammerfell. Would take some really good mages to build an arena in under 200 years, especially since Skyrim is in Civil War...
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:22 pm

I can see opposing guilds being implemented without a cursory "good vs. evil" motif. For example, Vampire Hunters, Inc. could contend that their work is noble because vampires need to harm other beings to live, whereas The Incisor Vampire Clan would assert that it's wrong to deny existence itself to any living being.
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Lewis Morel
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:34 pm

I also think that it would be good to have a pack for werewolves, if werewolves are in Skyrim.
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Lynette Wilson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:17 pm

The only Arena's mentioned are in the Imperial City and Hammerfell. Would take some really good mages to build an arena in under 200 years, especially since Skyrim is in Civil War...

IIRC, it was said that the civil war in Skyrim is something that begins pretty close to the beginning of the game, before or after, I'm not sure. The High King dies, then warring factions vie for power. So it wouldn't really affect the building of an Arena in the 200 years previous. It's not that unfeasible.
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JR Cash
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:17 pm

The mages and the fighters guild always seemed boring to me. No fun questline, no good story.
Maybe new "guilds" could be the fighting parts in the civil war?
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Andrew Lang
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:51 am

I would like to see the guild system from Daggerfall and Morrowind to make a return. There's no need for a limitation on guild membership, but your rank would depend on your completed tasks (preferably you don't have to follow a set path) and your skills, so you cannot become an Arch-mage if you're really bad a spellcasting.
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Katie Pollard
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:49 pm

If they put vampires in the game I'd really like to see some sort of Vampire faction. It doesn't have to be a major guild, but at least a few vampire related quests with a couple of safe houses, caves, etc where bonded, free thinking vampires gather together to preserve their existence.
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Sunnii Bebiieh
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:06 pm

I reckon you should be able to join the Imperial legion which I beleive you could do in Morrowwind (which I haven't played) and I also think their should be a series of side quest about the Imperial legion against some Barbarian tribe things, and the you can join the Barbarians if you want and fight a revolt against the Imp. Legion, It would be really cool, because when I finished (in OB) the quest "Sirens Deception" and the people offered a job in the city guard, I was slightly annoyed when there was no speech option ton join them. I also think it would be more Dynamic if in some of the quests other people rose in the ranks too, because it was really unrealistic in OB how the player was the only person that ever ranked up.
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Justin Bywater
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:43 am

Return of the Carma Tong to go round knocking out the thieves guild goody two shoes robin hood wannabes?
Also theives guild fighters guild and mages guild have to be the worst/most unimaginative names i have ever heard lol. NUKE EM
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tiffany Royal
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:13 pm

I reckon you should be able to join the Imperial legion which I beleive you could do in Morrowwind (which I haven't played) and I also think their should be a series of side quest about the Imperial legion against some Barbarian tribe things, and the you can join the Barbarians if you want and fight a revolt against the Imp. Legion, It would be really cool, because when I finished (in OB) the quest "Sirens Deception" and the people offered a job in the city guard, I was slightly annoyed when there was no speech option ton join them. I also think it would be more Dynamic if in some of the quests other people rose in the ranks too, because it was really unrealistic in OB how the player was the only person that ever ranked up.

Isnt the Empire starting to fall apart around the time this game takes place? Who knows if the Imperial Legion even exists in any significant form.
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Naomi Lastname
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:38 pm

There should be a proper assassin's guild, where unlike the DB you can go in all swords waving, you need to properly use stealth to take out targets. Failure to do so should result in you still completing the quest, but getting nothing for it.
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Heather M
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:00 pm

It amazes me I didn't see much proposals for new guilds in here. That's what I'd like to see the most. I'm sure there will be interesting circumstances with the split-up Mage's Guild and so on, but I'd like to encounter some typically Nordic factions that I couldn't know before so they'd put me in new situations to think about. I think it'd be more exciting to come into town for the first time, see a new guild, inform myself and get to know I may make some new enemies in another part of Skyrim or get into some intricate affairs instead of the usual "Okay, where are the local heroes of the Fighter's Guild here so I can go kill some rats and do other bland business" at the "just out of the sewer" moment and before you'd even know what the cities' interiors look like. I want these to be mysterious, religious, ancient, political... As long as they have depth, feel "new" and unique, offer new things and are not your everyday social club.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:27 am

For the 39 people who voted the blades to be improved sad to say thay no longer exsist the last blade mem is your teacher on dragon slaying

It's probably in the storyline that you return them to their former glory.
Also the Legion are still prevalent in Cyrodiil mainly but have a minor presence in the other provinces so we'll see atleast one Legion outpost in Skyrim.
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Samantha Mitchell
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:25 pm

Blades are non-existent and yes they better make changes to the guild system. If a person is able to be head of all four guilds then you have failed Bethesda. lol
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Javaun Thompson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:24 pm

Arena Guild idea: Instead of signing up, you are enslaved and put into an arena to fight. after some impressive battles you earn your freedom, and the arena pays you to come back and fight for them (having earned fan favorite status), but you're fighting people against their will instead of volunteer gladiators like in oblivion. You decide wether you kill or show mercy to your oppenent after you beat him/her. at the end of the questline you have a choice to stop the barbaric killing or continue as the famous grand champion.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:25 am

Blades are non-existent and yes they better make changes to the guild system. If a person is able to be head of all four guilds then you have failed Bethesda. lol

Esbern is a blade and I think you will recreate the blades in their former glory.It certainly seems like that,seeing as on the wall from the 1st trailer there are many soldiers fighting along side you so .... i dunno maybe
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:19 pm

It amazes me I didn't see much proposals for new guilds in here.

There added some. Any popular ideas I'll add to it :)
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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:04 pm

religion guild would be pretty cool, you get to be some sort of an inquisitor
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Robert Garcia
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:46 pm

I dont know if anyway has mentioned it but something like the Twin Lamps in Morrowind would be great!
I dont mean it needs to be about slavery but some "underground" organisation for a good cause (or bad) which is not one of the major guilds.
I have this memory one i first stumbled across Twin Lamps in Morrowind and i think that was what Morrowind was all about, exploring and finding things that you didnt expect.
I guess the vampire-hunter guild in Oblivion was almost the same thing even thou i didnt like it as much as Twin Lamps.
I think more guilds/factions like that would improve the game play.
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Rik Douglas
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:26 am

eh....if you only played Oblivion, I'll be lenient with you, but only this time. Frankly, the Thieves Guild of Cyrodiil is nothing more than a bunch of glorified Robin Hoods. In Morrowind, you were sent to assassinate people at points, namely members of a rival gang and some of their supporters. Various books in Daggerfall had interviews of TG members stating clear as crystal that they will break a freelancer's arms and hands, along with informing to the guard about the freelancer. Oblivion is the odd man out, the others had no qualms about using violence, save for when you are doing a job that involves stealing. Reason being, if you murder someone while on the job, the guards will make the guild's life much more difficult.

I knew that paragraph would be unpopular. Seems a little evil forcing the player to choose between what were essentially the 2 most popular guilds in Oblivion, especially when they make use of the same skills but then thats what makes the choice so interesting, if every choice was easy to make then why offer a choice at all?

I know how the thieves guild quests were handled in Morrowind and yes you could kill people on certain jobs with few consequences however to be fair it was only the last 2 missions that actually required you to kill people, besides I like the new no killing policy introduced in Oblivion. As Armand says "you are Thieves not Murderers", if you need to kill someone to pull of a heist then you can consider the job botched, that being said do you really think that you can trust a member of the Dark Brotherhood to swipe the goods and resist the temptation to slit the throat of the beautiful Altmer maiden sleeping peacefully and smearing her entrails along the walls?

Now I know a lot of you are going to disagree with my characterisation of the Dark Brotherhood but from what I gathered the Dark Brotherhood arent really a traditional group of assassins for hire but more a group of murderers given purpose, at least that is what they were in Oblivion, this is evident by their recruitment methods and by talking to most of its members. Of course your character might have more self control than other Dark Brotherhood members however there is still a stigma surrounding those associated with the Dark Brotherhood and with the thieves guild's current policies I cant imagine that they would be too happy to admit a known member of the Dark Brotherhood among their ranks.

I think you SHOULD be able to be a member of certain guilds at the same time, like the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild, because obviously no one outside of the guild should know you're a member.

The people of Tamriel are surprisingly good judges of character, ever talk to a guard and he gives you the spiel about how he can tell you are a murderer from the look in your eyes? Or ever had a townsperson come up just to tell you that you are a sneaky looking sort? They can even tell that you are a master of conjuration by the way you smell and I am sure that those running the thieves guild would sense something isnt right about that murderous twitch in your eye.
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Emma louise Wendelk
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:52 am

As much as I enjoyed the Dark Brotherhood in Oblivion, the whole "cult of Sithis" thing felt a bit jarring to me. There's also their recruitment methods... Psychos are notoriously bad at following orders or even fitting into any sort of "society". I liked the idea of the Shadowscales a lot; trained from birth to be assassins, they would have more self-control than some maniac who went on a rampage. I would like the DB a lot more if they were just unscrupulous killers. "You pay me, I kill someone" should be their philosophy. The whole "spirit of the Night Mother" was also annoying with the black sacrament and all. The Morag Tong has a religious side, why can't the Dark Brotherhood just be professionals like they were in Daggerfall?

There should also be penalties for bungling a quest. I could fail to get the bonus for all my quests and still advance through the ranks at top speed. How does that work? What kind of idiot gives high profile missions to a lunatic who can't follow basic orders?
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michael danso
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:25 am

As well as guild improvements I think it'd be good if you could interact with guilds as normal members of society. For example if you needed some extra muscle for a job you could go to the fighter's guild and hire a big Orc to help you out. Or if there was an non-vital NPC who you found annoying you could get the Dark Brotherhood to take them out in the manner that you request.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:07 pm

More guild for sure. The amount of guilds in Oblivion was my main disappointment with the game.

Also, they should make the guild questlines less linear. For example, they could have made a bit more recommendation quests for the Mages Guild and make a few of them optional. This way advancing in a guild is not as linear and repetitive and this will greatly increase replayability. On top of that, they should add more meaningful choices in quests to add replayability. BioWare does this the right way by adding vastly different quest outcomes from different decisions you make. That's one of the few things Bethesda can really learn from their games.

Morrowind did this a bit better (though not perfect at all) where you had mutually exclusive guilds and conflict between guilds. The Fighters Guild and Thieves Guild never really got along and to stay on the good side of both guilds required a different approach than just doing (in this case) the Fighters Guild quests.
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:11 pm

What I want from guilds is that there are requirements to join, skills or attrubutes and indeed progression within guilds should be based on skill levels. So we can't get the situation of having an archmage that can barely cast a spell. Additionally one character must not be able to join/complete all guild quest lines. Lastly I don't really care about which of the previous guilds come back as long as the abomination know as the arean isn't one of them, it was boring and pointless.
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