Guilds (New and old)

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:36 pm

I would like to see NPC guild members doing stuff out in the world rather than just sitting in Guild Halls. It would be very awesome if they could implement stuff from Morrowind mods like Give Your Orders, and Dracandro's Voice, so that you can command your subordinates in the guild or even hire guild members (especially Fighter's Guild) to do stuff for you.

A house-ish system would also be great, but it could be different cities instead of houses, so you can choose which King you want to side with during the civil war. I felt that the Great Houses in Morrowind gave my characters a large part of your personality; it isn't much fun roleplaying as a member of the Fighter's Guild compared to roleplaying as a Redoran. The Great Houses have codes and morals which can be used for roleplaying purposes, and are also very distinct from the other factions.
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Latino HeaT
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:24 pm

I'd like to have at least 10 guilds but you could join only 5-7 of them because for example joining in necromancers would ban you from mages fighters and priests guilds if it's known that you use necromagia :E (necromancing is illegal after all) but would open a chance to smugle in mages guild and spy or something so they would be interactive with each other.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:08 pm

I knew that paragraph would be unpopular. Seems a little evil forcing the player to choose between what were essentially the 2 most popular guilds in Oblivion, especially when they make use of the same skills but then thats what makes the choice so interesting, if every choice was easy to make then why offer a choice at all?

I know how the thieves guild quests were handled in Morrowind and yes you could kill people on certain jobs with few consequences however to be fair it was only the last 2 missions that actually required you to kill people, besides I like the new no killing policy introduced in Oblivion. As Armand says "you are Thieves not Murderers", if you need to kill someone to pull of a heist then you can consider the job botched, that being said do you really think that you can trust a member of the Dark Brotherhood to swipe the goods and resist the temptation to slit the throat of the beautiful Altmer maiden sleeping peacefully and smearing her entrails along the walls?

Many of the later quests let you kill people with no guild sanctions. For the other special jobs yes it makes sense, the guild don't want you to kill lots of guards or people in palaces as it would draw unwanted attention.

The people of Tamriel are surprisingly good judges of character, ever talk to a guard and he gives you the spiel about how he can tell you are a murderer from the look in your eyes? Or ever had a townsperson come up just to tell you that you are a sneaky looking sort? They can even tell that you are a master of conjuration by the way you smell and I am sure that those running the thieves guild would sense something isnt right about that murderous twitch in your eye.

Think it will be plenty of rumours that you are the thief guild leader, the guards knew Armand was a high ranking thief guild member and he had to go into hiding in two quests.
As in real life people know or at least suspect that you are a criminal but need to catch you doing something illegal.
Found it fitting that the thief guild had gave higher infamy than the dark brotherhood as it's less secret.
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:24 pm

I think that in order to rise to the top in a guild, a LOT of effort has to be put in. Not the 10 or so quests you get in Oblivion. You have to actually interact with all the members of the guild, helping them out when you can, as well as doing official jobs and quests set for you by superiors.

Also, having guild conflicts AND more guilds to join would be good. Hell, maybe there could only be one main guild hall? One guild per city? I dunno.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:43 pm

Add Nights of The Nine to that poll.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:39 pm

I hope they improve on the arena, not because it was a bad guild in OB, in fact it was my favorite quest line but i'm hoping for more depth in the arena. Maybe things such as 2 on 2 fights or 4 people free for all.
Also a vampire cult that you could join would be awesome, even if it's a bit unlikely
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:49 pm

Esbern is a blade and I think you will recreate the blades in their former glory.It certainly seems like that,seeing as on the wall from the 1st trailer there are many soldiers fighting along side you so .... i dunno maybe

Yeah that is possible but the man on the wall don't have to be a blades. I guess I just don't like the Blades for some reason. lol
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emma sweeney
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:13 pm

Would like a Vampire Hunter Guild.

I also voted for house guilds like Morrowind. I assume in Skyrim it will be Clan Guilds, since Skyrim is broken up into clans.

Also, a spy guild would be awesome, when I play a stealth character, I play it more like a spy than a thief.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:04 pm

i like the idea of guild storylines affecting each other but i want it to be possible to be a member of all guilds and be able to complete all their quests without getting kicked out. maybe your a member of morag tong and your also a secret member of the dark brotherhood. also you can be in the mages guild but also be a secret necromancer.
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lillian luna
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:04 pm

I also think that it would be good to have a pack for werewolves, if werewolves are in Skyrim.

Yes, packs for werewolves and Houses or Covens for the vampires.
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Ella Loapaga
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:32 pm

I can't believe no one's mentioned this yet! I SO want a Bounty-Hunters Guild, where you hunt down anything from renowned bandits to possibly necromancers to DB agents who've had their cover blown, alternatively, if you botch up a Thieves Guild quest or Dark Brotherhood quest, and fail to pay off the fine, you could have them hunt you down every so often, or if you generally have a bounty over 1000 for any reason.
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luis dejesus
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:44 pm

I think the three biggest things, for one who has Been Archmage of The Mages Guild for ingame centuries :wink_smile: :grad: are more Replayable aspects to the guilds (i.e. certain challenges and threats should be recurring. As long as the guild has living enemies, certain quest types should be able to arise again. For example, in Oblivion, new Necromancers and rogue conjourors were constantly arriving in the country side, but they never make any attempt against the guild after the fall of Manimarco).

The Head of The Guild should have A LOT more authority and recognition. In Oblivion, not only could you NOT make any rules as archmage. . . most of the mages guild didn't even acknowledge your change in status. Mages and even Apprentices treated you like you were the most incompotent and unpromising neophyte addition to the guild. Not only did you lack any offical authority, but to quote the late Rodney Dangerfield, "You got no respect!" Not only should all the mages acknowledge you when you rise to the role of leader. . . you should be able to make decisions. Will conjuration be broadened and more Daedra interaction be allowed or even encouraged? Will the ban on Necromancy remain in place or be lifted etc.

Finally, I would love to see both more Daedric cults, and more Daedra. The Shrines of the various Daedra should reflect both the influence of the worshipped Prince, and should also be populated by lesser Daedra SPECIFIC to allegiance with That Prince.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:10 pm

Return of the Carma Tong to go round knocking out the thieves guild goody two shoes robin hood wannabes?

and also a return of the Morag Tong to beat up those dark brotherhood wannabees. They've always been enemies, and it'd be awesome to be able to choose either side of any conflict IMO.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:57 pm

I want there to be as many guilds as possible without sacraficing quality.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:19 pm

Bard and Witch factions. Lore and skyrim friendly. win.
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lydia nekongo
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:04 pm

I feel that that the guilds need to be improved by actually helping you train your charecter up ready for the quests that they are getting ready to assighn you.

They had training rooms in Oblivion but whats the point of having them if their not going to make a difference?
And if they would (perhaps will in Skyrim), do it in a way that wont screw up the lvl for your charecter.

When I was doing the quests for the mage guild in Oblivion I found that alot of the time the quests were taking place in dark caves/dungeons and before sending me on my way they would give me a "starlight" or "cat eye" spell so that I could see in the dark... the problem with this was that my mysticism level was too low for me to cast the spell, so why give it to me in the first place!!

Truth be told I would spend an hour or so casting other spells just to try and get my mysticism up so I could use the spells given to me in order to see in the caves and then carry out my quests, but then doing that just screwed up my lvl up system for the charecter I had so it was over all really anoying!!
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Charlotte Henderson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:53 pm

I never did many quests for the Fighter's Guild. They didn't grab me like the Thieve's Guild, Mage's Guild, or Dark Brotherhood. The Dark Brotherhood and Thieve's Guild had a special admission price (you had to kill someone in cold blood or do time in jail), and the Mage's Guild had you working towards something worthwhile: a spot as Arch-Mage, with access to some useful equipment and the ability to Enchant items or create spells. The Fighter's Guild, if I recall, only had you rise through the ranks. The missions weren't engaging to me, and I don't remember getting much of a reward.

The Mage's Guild seemed to take forever to gain access to the Enchanting station. That's the one thing I would change in the guild; easier access to Enchanting. Thankfully, that's a skill right off the bat. I don't care if custom spells aren't available; those weren't fun at all when you could just make improbable "nuke fireball" mods!

In terms of new guilds, I wouldn't mind being able to take on a minor governmental role and...*AHEM* eliminate the competition. Or something like Indiana Jones, Uncharted, or Warehouse 13: artifact retrieval. Someone stole or discovered something that "BELONGS IN A MUSEUM!"
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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:34 pm

I would really like it if guilds could be easily modded in...There could be guilds for EVERYTHING!
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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:50 pm

They didn't grab me like the Thieve's Guild, Mage's Guild, or Dark Brotherhood. The Dark Brotherhood and Thieve's Guild had a special admission price (you had to kill someone in cold blood or do time in jail), and the Mage's Guild had you working towards something worthwhile: a spot as Arch-Mage, with access to some useful equipment and the ability to Enchant items or create spells. The Fighter's Guild, if I recall, only had you rise through the ranks. The missions weren't engaging to me, and I don't remember getting much of a reward.

I agree with you there. Also I felt that you rose up the ranks to quickly. There should be a time-lapse between mission, so it not like 'Met all the people who have been here for ages. And in 1 week, you can be better than them all!'
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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:37 pm

I'd like to see more consequences from joining guilds and I would like having the option of really being good or evil. ie in Oblivion I wanted to find a way that I could join the necromancers instead of joining the mage's guild and have that questline result in the necromancers gaining power and maybe that could affect how other guilds see you (if they knew it was you of course) I love choice in video games which elder scrolls delivers on but I also love consequence and that's what i think is lacking with elder scrolls
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Alba Casas
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:43 am

I'm stoked for the two types of Mage's Guilds (Synod and College of Whispers) that we might get.
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benjamin corsini
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:30 pm

The arena, if there is one, needs a more mature approach to the quest line.

What drives the other combatants, how will their defeats effect the others and the people of the city?

What doe sit really mean to be champion?
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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:28 pm

I enjoyed the arena, dark brotherhood and thief's guild quest lines the most :)

I hope we see more of them in skyrim!

New guilds are a no brainer of a question, of course yes :P
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Luna Lovegood
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:51 pm

I liked the Dark Brotherhood,Arena+Thieves Guild in Oblivion. I think the fighters guild needs the most reworking by far if thier having it in Skyrim. I like the idea of a Daedra guild and a Hunters guild. And someone mentioned a Bounty Hunters Guild. That sounds pretty cool. I never played Morrowind, what exactly is the House Guild?
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Blessed DIVA
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:13 pm

I liked the Dark Brotherhood,Arena+Thieves Guild in Oblivion. I think the fighters guild needs the most reworking by far if thier having it in Skyrim. I like the idea of a Daedra guild and a Hunters guild. And someone mentioned a Bounty Hunters Guild. That sounds pretty cool. I never played Morrowind, what exactly is the House Guild?

The Great Houses in Morrowind are political factions that compete for power in Morrowind.
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