Guilds (New and old)

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:39 pm

What new Guilds/factions do you want to see in Skyrim? What ones should return from previous games? How should they be improved?
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Alexis Acevedo
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:38 pm

More variety in guild quests. I felt like brotherhood and thieves were the only ones with cool missions.
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Alister Scott
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:04 pm

You actually consider the Blades a faction in Oblivion? They were more of a social club. You were in but there were no ranks and they did pretty much nothing the whole time. I hope Esbern teaches the player how to be a Blade in Skyrim. That'd be cool :biggrin:
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Lily Something
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 3:21 am

Dark Brotherhood.

The DB in oblivion was quite... I don't know how to explain. :shakehead:
I just think in Skyrim the DB should be darker, scarier, more intense and urgent. It's a murdering guild afterall. :whistling:
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Spooky Angel
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:34 pm

I thought the Blades having their own stronghold outside of Bruma was a cool idea. I would definitely enjoy seeing this detachment of guild from city further advanced in Skyrim.
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Michelle Smith
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:45 pm

I voted for 'joining one Guild can affect another' as I definitely think this should feature

It seemed crazy to me that you could join every Guild in Oblivion and rise to the top in each without any consequences with the others. It was actually better in Morrowind in that regard - Oblivion was backward step. Fallout New Vegas was even better, albeit in a different way, with the faction system. There needs to be a proper faction system in Skyrim, so you can't just join every Guild.

BTW your poll doesn't really have options to suggest that there needs to be quite a few more Guilds in Skyrim than there was in Oblivion. Again, OB took and backward step from MW in this.
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Olga Xx
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:40 am

they should include quests for blackwood company, are they present in skyrim?

also joining a guild should ban you from joining a rival one, for example blackwood and fighters guild. i wouldnt even be surprised if mage guild doesnt accept fighters guild member and vice versa, somehow i feel there is a rivalry between those two.

it would make you unable to finish all quests with one character and thats why you make more characters

EDIT: lol your post wasnt there when i started typing, the skyrim blog . . . great minds think alike :)
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Stephanie I
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:01 pm

Firstly, the Arena.. After you are champ, you can only fight beasts?.. Lame.
The Arena (if its in skyrim) should be much longer to progress in (not just a few battles then champion). There should be big battles with up to 20 people at once, last man/team standing. That'd be most sweet (Not every fight of course, but it should be in there).

Secondly, i enjoyed the fighters guild, and as a warrior. It was my guild of choice.
Although, i disliked being the Guildmaster after a short stint at the guild, it seemed weak.
I had been there a week and was the leader of the guild? (this goes for most other guilds also).
I don't think you should be able to be the leader, a high-ranking member who can delegate small tasks? Yes. But not leader, it seems stupid how you can be the big boss when you have only been there a small period and other NPC's have been there 'their entire careers'.
Also, your promotions should take longer to acquire, not just a few missions to jump from grunt to lieutenant.

I hope the guilds are deeper (i'm sure they will be).
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sexy zara
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:12 pm

they should include quests for blackwood company, are they present in skyrim?

also joining a guild should ban you from joining a rival one, for example blackwood and fighters guild. i wouldnt even be surprised if mage guild doesnt accept fighters guild member and vice versa, somehow i feel there is a rivalry between those two.

it would make you unable to finish all quests with one character and thats why you make more characters

EDIT: lol your post wasnt there when i started typing, the skyrim blog . . . great minds think alike :)

in morrowind guild and quest lines cancelled each other out. blackwood shouldn't be in skyrim.

also, to OP, why not list the guilds in other TES games? or re-title your post oblivion guilds.

morag tong is against the DB, and having both in would make for some great assassin on assassin gaming.
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Jinx Sykes
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:57 pm

Blades needed improvement. In Oblivion, do they even qualify as a guild?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:06 pm

More fresh guilds, more depth to quests and how they guild handles and sees to buisness, fewer generic ones.

Don't particularly want top tier head of the guild quests.

However want more depth, and lots of choice and consequence.
Join one lose out elsewhere, have them at each others throats or in collusion with one another for prime contracts.
So depth.
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James Shaw
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:26 pm

how about something opposite to the Dark brotherhood, an assassin-based guild but for a good cause?
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Vera Maslar
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:13 am

Dark Brotherhood.

The DB in oblivion was quite... I don't know how to explain. :shakehead:
I just think in Skyrim the DB should be darker, scarier, more intense and urgent. It's a murdering guild afterall. :whistling:

Btw, The Dark Brotherhood doesn't kill random people for fun or the blood.
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Janette Segura
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:33 pm

I think there should be a counter guild for every guild, for example a necromancer guild that stops you from the joining the mage's, or joining the morag tong that stops you from being part of the dark brotherhood. That'd make pretty replay value.
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Anna Watts
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:01 am

The thievesguild storyarc in Oblivion was epic, building momentum in gathering relics and culminating in a mission to the chamber where the Elder Scrolls themselves are read. Any story for the thievesguild in Skyrim would be a step back.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:00 pm

I, for one, don't think you should be able to become the head of a certain guild. That way the responsibilities you would realistically have are canceled out and you can continue getting quests ala the random-quest generator.
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katie TWAVA
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:19 pm

I think there should be a counter guild for every guild, for example a necromancer guild that stops you from the joining the mage's, or joining the morag tong that stops you from being part of the dark brotherhood. That'd make pretty replay value.

And for Fighter's Guild? Some sort of Mercenary guild?
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Penny Flame
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:31 pm

I never really felt that the Fighters' Guild was done very well. Morrowind had an interesting bit about the powerplay- I remember the Master had tried to make you destroy the entire Thieves' Guild or alternatively you could work with a Guild head and kill the Master to prevent the slaughter. Oblivion's had the same issue too, and honestly while the Blackwood Company was an interesting addition much was left to be desired. I guess that's just the nature of it being a beat 'em up type joint. I think they can do better at any event. There's such a major difference in the dryness of Fighters' Guild quests compared to others IMO.

In regards to all guilds, I would like to see more duties as the head of a guild, or hell even some minor duties to upper ranking members beyond quests. Additionally I think there should be an impact on other Guilds depending on which you are members of. Honestly I don't think it should be possible for the player to join EVERY guild with the same character- the guilds should have conflicting goals and an appreciable difference depending on what type of characters they cater to.
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Janette Segura
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:12 pm

The fighter's guild questline was cool, but at no point did I get the feeling that I was a fighter during that questline. Sure, most of their work is more commissions than anything else, but in a guild of fighters, don't you think they would try to challenge each other, or one up each other more often? Or even just test each other?

"Okay, the purple eyed minotaur is said to be about twice the size of its cousins, and twice as strong. Here's a crappy shield and wooden sword. Go get 'im kid."

And of course the mage's guild could have been better. YES, I'M TALKING TO YOU, KING OF WORMS! You and your... high elf-ness. I don't mind a high elf, but could he at least have been dressed as he was in Daggerfall? Other than that, the guild as a whole had an interesting plot.
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Ally Chimienti
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:07 pm

they should include quests for blackwood company, are they present in skyrim?
Actually because of the lore about the Fighter's Guild charter, the Blackwood Company should never have existed.
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Claire Mclaughlin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:35 pm

Aren't the Mages Guild split into two; the Synod and the College of Whispers, or something?
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Stephani Silva
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:51 pm

Hopefully they'll come up with some actual names for the guilds instead of The Fighter's Guild, The Mage's Guild, The Thieves Guild etc.

Blackwood Company, Morag Tong -- Those are cool.

Guilds shouldn't call themselves guilds. Especially the thieves guild, it sounds stupid. The mafia would never call themselves The Organized Crime Syndicate, they're called Cosa Nostra.

Actual names add more depth and give you a sense of pride about being apart of it. It doesn't sound very awesome when you try to rep The Fighters Guild. "Yeah! I'm a member of The Fighters Guild! Don't mess with The Fighter's Guild. The Fighter's Guild will get you!"

lame. You go around flashing a Blackwood Company symbol on your shield though and people associate you with the name of Blackwood it sounds a lot more intimidating.
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leigh stewart
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:24 am

how about something opposite to the Dark brotherhood, an assassin-based guild but for a good cause?

it would be hard to have an assassin guild for a good cause.

however, the morag tong guild is against the dark brotherhood. they assassinate legally and follow rules, unlike the DB.

oblivion thread is oblivion
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sexy zara
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:39 pm

I think there should be a counter guild for every guild, for example a necromancer guild that stops you from the joining the mage's, or joining the morag tong that stops you from being part of the dark brotherhood. That'd make pretty replay value.
No, that's silly evil group vs. good group. I'd rather have various organizations like and hate each other, and sometimes sub factions in the organizations.

Also, for the love of Nurgle and Khorne, THE MORAG TONG IS NOT LEGAL! They are ONLY legal in Morrowind, and that is ONLY because they went to Vivec to allow continued and regulated operations in Morrowind. Outside of Morrowind, they're just another group of killers that will be killed. However, Morrowind went boom, and the dunmer driven out to places other than Morrowind. Hell, they assassinated a [NUMMIT] emperor for money. Do not buy into their crap. If given the opportunity, they would run their organization very similar to the Dark Brotherhood. They'd never admit it, but that's only because they became regulated hitmen, in a culture that approves of secret murder.
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Nienna garcia
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:00 pm

Absolutely want to see more (new) guilds. It was underwhelming in Oblivion with how few there were compared to Morrowind. Now I know this is mainly due to lore but I felt they could have gotten a few more in there if they wanted to.

As for which one needed the most improvement from Oblivion, not sure. All of them? And everything needs improved. Longer and more involved quest lines. Joining them should affect how the world reacts to you rather than just affecting your fame and infamy. More responsibilities when your in control. Just more everything.
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