Gun Balance little tweak

Post » Sun May 08, 2011 5:17 am

Yeah it's prolly coming from the netcode or something. I mean when I use it and hit I get the flow of hit signals on target - if I die I'll see in kill cam that idd I hit him a lot but damage (blood on edges of screen) seem to show after those half dozen shots. When I use rapid fire though, things look weird; the rate of fire is really increased but the kill cam shows the same thing happening in the same amount of time instead of the amount of bullets. It's really weird.

And once I am shot by a K-Volt, things are happening exactly how you mentioned. Granted I'm often not on full energy but sometimes I am and, well, it just seems to be 3-4 shots.

Maybe the energy drain is affected by the damage multiplier from where you are hitting. I guess I should attempt going for the head again but the pellet travelling velocity and its recoil just makes it a gamble everytime. :/
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 9:22 am

I tried the Marshall out and it's pretty good. Only tactic that really works is:
run cloaked - see enemy - slide - uncloak durning slide - blow brains out - cloak
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 2:04 am

Is it just me or do the shoot I fire in cloak disappear?! Everythime as a sniper and I intend to shoot an other sniper in the head and I fire (aiming at he's head) the shoot dont register. Same with shotguns in cloak?!

I have to fire a second shoot uncloaked with all my energy gone!
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 9:59 am

Is it just me or do the shoot I fire in cloak disappear?! Everythime as a sniper and I intend to shoot an other sniper in the head and I fire (aiming at he's head) the shoot dont register. Same with shotguns in cloak?!

I have to fire a second shoot uncloaked with all my energy gone!

yes you are correct. the first shot will disappear. why? because that would make snipers overpowerd especially with energy transfer = 100% energy back after shot -__-

just aim at enemy sniper's head - uncloak and shoot - do it quickly. you'll get used to it :D

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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 1:20 am

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Mark Churchman
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 2:41 am

I think the Scar is a little OP especially since it's a starting weapon.

It's damage is a tad high for the recoil, many times I die in 2-3 hits, 3-4 when in armor mode, which is extremely little for such an easy gun to use with every attachment under the sun avalable for it. Because it has virtually no recoil it's super easy to use for range too.

If the recoil was tweaked to be greater or the RoF nerfed that would balance out nicely I think. It's an assault weapon so it's damage should stay the same I think - it's just rediculous how easy it is to headshot with the thing. It's better than the DSG-1 at sniping in the right hands because you can instant switch to full auto, plus it's RoF is so good for the damage that even if you miss a shot you'll make up for it.

Let's not even get started with the hologram attachment. That thing really should be a nanosuit module not something that goes on the most versatile and best gun in the game.
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 10:55 pm

Underbarrel grenade launcher attachment auto reloads after been fired making it impossible to switch to another weapon. And the grenade is really bad so you really need to be able to switch without reloading it.
You should be able to switch weapon mid reload imo.
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 11:55 pm

I agree I was looking forward to the kvolt but it doesn't even seem effective as a support roll. I haven't tried the ay69 much but i found it wasn't that great either but I barely used it because I didn't find it that great in singleplayer.. The jaw isn't anything impressive to me and the flashbang is nowhere near effective enough to use over a grenade. A lot of the guns were way more effective in singleplayer than multiplayer, which of course they need balanced for mutliplayer but in the limited time I played most people just used the scar and nova. Granted some of that is due to low ranks I myself only got to 22.

The feline was pretty good I really liked it and the grendel i liked but at the same time it felt like at times my bullets were going nowhere near where i aimed sometimes. Like i would aim right on them without them moving and on killcam i would see my bullets fly way off to their right like they were flying off into the sky as if I was standing in front of their face on their right shooting straight up into the sky.... it may be due to the fact I don't have a single server under 100 ping and get better ping to servers in the uk than to ny the next state over....... or any other us server i don't get it..
The gauss attachment was like wtf why use this it is a joke if you ask me.
is the scarab any good in multiplayer? I haven't tried it yet
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Laura Wilson
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 7:17 am

Flashbang I don't see many use it. Maybe replace it with a good ol' emp nade or add a nano jamming effect, something that really makes you want to consider it. Basically flash and k-volt do not really have their place as the deadly guns and nades do the work and in a lot shorter amount of time. I'm a big fan of the flash bang. Great for lending a helping hand to team mates and excellent for Crash Site. I just think they could do with a little larger area of effect.
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 9:34 pm

I agree I was looking forward to the kvolt but it doesn't even seem effective as a support roll. I haven't tried the ay69 much but i found it wasn't that great either but I barely used it because I didn't find it that great in singleplayer.. The jaw isn't anything impressive to me and the flashbang is nowhere near effective enough to use over a grenade. A lot of the guns were way more effective in singleplayer than multiplayer, which of course they need balanced for mutliplayer but in the limited time I played most people just used the scar and nova. Granted some of that is due to low ranks I myself only got to 22.

The feline was pretty good I really liked it and the grendel i liked but at the same time it felt like at times my bullets were going nowhere near where i aimed sometimes. Like i would aim right on them without them moving and on killcam i would see my bullets fly way off to their right like they were flying off into the sky as if I was standing in front of their face on their right shooting straight up into the sky.... it may be due to the fact I don't have a single server under 100 ping and get better ping to servers in the uk than to ny the next state over....... or any other us server i don't get it..
The gauss attachment was like wtf why use this it is a joke if you ask me.
is the scarab any good in multiplayer? I haven't tried it yet

Totally agreed. I feel like all the weapons got nerfed (which is good for balance) in multiplayer... EXCEPT Scar. No one who is good uses anything else because it damn good damage, non-exsistant recoil and it's great RoF can't be matched. Since the hit detection is so bad, weapons with the best RoF will always do better as there is a greater chance per second of landing a hit.

Many many times I've hit people with my sniper and with my scar even and it's like I am shooting into nothing even though I am clearly doing direct hits. It takes 2-3 seconds of constant firing when they simply just turn around and kill me in less than a second with 2-3 hits at full health (not a headshot too).
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El Goose
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 5:38 am

I just got the scarab and majestic last night and so far I am really liking the scarab. Also with the majestic does anyone else find it changes the weapon scroll order? When I use the other pistols I scroll up for next weapon and I get grenade but with the majestic it goes to majestic then grenade it just throws me off when using different pistols.
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