First of all just a basic request that skill kills stack - what do i mean by that?
For example if you preform a headshot on a cloaked enemy - you should be awarded - Headshot + Busted.
Currently you are only given one or the other - this is especially annoying when trying to complete "Skill Kills" category.
Second thing, some weapons need a little adjusting.
K-Volt - Not only does this thing need to actually give you assists, but the "bullet" speed should be increased as right now it is only good within shotgun range -__- The K-Volt's stopping power is only comparable to a low-grade BB gun as it can't even penetrate plastic :s
Gerendel - When using semi automatic mode and silencer, the silencer does not work
Majestic - When aiming down the sight, the spread is almost as large as when hip fireing - this really hinders the gun, maby make the spread slightly smaller when ADS?
Gauss - the Gauss is inferior the the DSG-1 even though it apparently does more damage - in order for it to become any kind of a contestant it needs to be able to kill enemies in 1 shot - to the Chest, Head, Stomach when they are in Power mode - DSG-1 is better because of higher ROF and same damage -____-
Another thing that could make the gauss more usefull is if instead making it more powerfull, the projestile drains all of the target's energy - basically this would be the BIG DADDY K-VOLT
Flashbang - probably the most useless explosive - my idea for improving it is to make it a low-grade EMP granade - enemies within its immediate area of effect will have their energy drained - however needs to have small blast radious < 2m
Hope one of you guys got to read it - please post a reply if you have that would be much appriciated.