From my limited experience, energy weapons are more powerful. But, guns are more common so they're easier to maintain and find ammo for.
If you're not a fan of them, then don't use them. You'll get by with guns just fine, especially with all the different ammo types.
And like Benn said, they're more common and so is their ammo.
A fully-modded Laser Rifle at 100 EW with Laser Commander (Set Laser for Fun if you feel like overkill) is, pound by pound, the deadliest weapon in the game, even with normal ammunition. Everything else is secondary. Just load the rest of your inventory with missiles and grenades.
In close-quarter, the Holorifle would melt faces better than any shotgun. If you want a touch of class and exceptional accuracy in medium-range combat, get a Gatling Laser: No need to cower behind cover, or attempting to aim your lead hose in vain, or hurt your finger tapping the trigger too many times. Just stand up like a hero, squeeze the trigger once, and everything dies.
And with the MF Hyperbreeder Alpha... Who say you have to reload to have sustained automatic fire?
But I do admit that Energy Weapons can sometimes lack the beauty and subtlety of a silenced Sniper Rifle or an AMR. Just poof... And dead.
I Call bull on the fact Big Boomer does the most damage in the entire game (excepting Explosives of course), even surpassing the AMR, and the unique Gauss Rifle, but it's all in the matter of preference.
I didn't say the Laser Rifle does the most damage, but its versatility, easy-to-use, zero-recoil, accuracy, great per-beam damage and great crit damage and crit chance (even on high level at VH), with split beam mod to double the fun, and it only cost 1 Microfusion cell per shot... which made it the most dangerous weapon in my book.
With its powerful scope, you can precisely and quickly disarm enemies, strategically and quickly cripple and stun bigger ones before unload precision shots on their heads. It functions beyond expectation in almost every situation. Beautiful weapon. It feels like a surgeon's scalpel. The Brotherhood sure knows their weaponries.
The Big Boomer is too chancy and require you to be at extremely close range, and still... sometimes at extremely close range, the shot seems to bounce off the enemies and doesn't hurt them at all (not sure if this is a bug for all shotguns). The AMR only works at certain situations due to its fire rate and recoil. I never like the Gauss Rifle because it eats ammunition while wear down too quick, and you literally cannot miss when firing one.