Hey guys, normally I don't really have any sort of problems when it comes to this type of thing, or if I do, I can work it out on my own (I consider myself of high technical literacy)... but this is something that I just can't figure out! The whole thing here is that I've installed GRA, right? It loaded up, I got the message and so on, and I even went and bought some of the new ammo! (12 gauge flachette and dragons breath rounds) For whatever reason, I cannot actually use the ammo! When using my riot shotgun, if I go under ammo, it gives me the usual list of ammo types that I'm carry on me, but for some reason, the twelve gauge GRA rounds are not usable. They appear like any other non-compatible ammo type, grayed out. Has anybody else had this problem, and if so, how do I fix it?