Gun Runner's Arsenal: A MUST

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:27 pm

I'd like to see an M2 browning that is handheld like in Fallout Tactics. That thing was badass. Although it would probably have to be restricted to power armor use, or at least have heavy penalties if strength isn't 9 or 10.

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Laura Richards
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:47 am

The "cowboy" style weapons made a bit more sense for the cowboy-style Nevada desert. We already have a Mobster tommygun, musket, and Broadsider, so I'm not sure what other northeast/Boston-themed weapons there are for them to go with.

I think the real issue here is that they retconned so hard in suddenly having guns look very different from the previous games. We still had the not-AK, not-9mm, etc, in Fallout 3. But they greatly changed the style here (combat rifle, assault rifle; and all the Pipe stuff they added because it fits in with the crafting system & the idea of jury-rigged post-apoc). I don't feel like there's a lack of variety in guns, it feels more like people want to see their personal favorite guns. Which is likely why it feels to me like a job for mods, because that's what mods have always been for - tweaking the game to cater to someone's specific preferences & interests.

(Again, I'm not against more guns showing up as part of other DLC - we saw new weapons in all the FO3 DLC, after all. It just seems wasteful to "spend" a DLC on just guns. Especially since, no matter what they put in that pack, there'll still be people posting "but what about MY favorite gun?" and "but that doesn't look right!" And we'll be right back to mods again.)

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Chelsea Head
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:21 pm

Oh, I don't know about that.

The 1911 still sees a lot of use today, and it is quite literally over 100 years old. I bought a brand new one manufactured by Ruger that they just designed a couple of years ago. Some improvements, to be sure, but essentially the same weapon as John Browning's original design. 2077 is only 62 years away. M16 (or AR15 and variants) began widespread use in the early to mid 1960's. AR15 platform is going gangbusters to this day, 60 years later. I could see the platform lasting for a very long time, indeed.

I do want these weapons, and this is the game for me. ;)

Other weapons added to the list are fine by me (plasma and energy weapons, etc.), but I don't agree that it makes no sense to have these other ballistic weapons, too. After all, there are 1000's and 1000's of them in existence, surely some will be around. In fact, new 1911's and AR15's (M16) are currently being conceived and manufactured even now in 2015. The stove, the incandescent light bulb, the wall clock in a star frame, the plastic two-bowl dog dish and the refrigerator made it. Why not the 1911?

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:00 pm

With the majority of your comments, it seems that you are making the assumption that I ONLY want guns/equipment added to the game, which isn't true. Would I love to see new weapons and equipment added with every new story DLC? Is that really even a question? By and large, the biggest aspect of a Fallout game is the story, nobody is denying that. However, having more guns, more outfits, more armor, and more equipment to find and collect adds to the game's lifespan. Many people, like myself, play the game through several times, each time playing as a different style of character, and using different weapons and armor/outfits. You can't really do that with the current set of weapons, especially when many of them do not keep their effectiveness as you level up.

"Cowboy" style weapons are only named as such due to their portrayal in western movies. They were as popular and as common in every region of the country as they were in "The West." Revolvers and lever actions are some of the most durable and reliable weapons in existence, which is why they are still so popular today, and would lend them PERFECTLY to a post-apocalyptic environment. There is a reason why MANY people have revolvers and lever actions are their go-to, SHTF weapon of choice (Being one of them myself).

Pipe weapons are actaully a far more far fetched concept than any of the weapons I have listed so far. Nobody in their right mind would actually attempt to create a functioning firearm out of rusty pipes, some worn out wood, and scavenged screws, bolts, nuts, and springs. That is a GREAT way to not only seriously injure yourself, but get you and potentially those around you killed. Albeit they look cool in the game, but in an argument that revolves around relevency and reality, Pipe guns are right out. And seriously...we have a shoulder mounted black powder you have ANY idea how heavy that would be?!

And you're right, people DO want to see old favorites brought into the game! Since when is that a bad thing? NV had 4 weapons/equipment packs and 4 good DLCs (Lonesome Road being one of the best DLCs I've ever played); I never once felt that any resources were "wasted" on the Tribal Pack, Mercenary Pack, Courier's Cache, or Gun Runner's Arsenal.

For the most part, the response I've gotten to this idea of a big weapon/armor/equipment pack has been very positive, and more people have wanted it than haven't.

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Jordyn Youngman
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:24 pm

I don't care what anyone says third person shooting actually better in New Vegas because you could adjust the camera while aiming, you can't do that in FO4. That Being said, we need more revolvers or at least more mods for the .44. I mean come on 3 barrels 2 grips, 2 sights and a scope? Hell some of the weapons have even less than that.

So weapons we need the 12.7 mm pistol and sub-machine gun, a 5.56 mm pistol, a Revolver with a faster rate of fire and a cool hammer slamming animation, Pump Action Shotgun, Lever action rifle like the Lincoln repeater, Laser Revolver (come on there's already a laser musket).

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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:46 pm

I could not agree more. I was very disappointed to find that the .50 sniper is just a modified hunting rifle. It's like they just merged the ideas of weapon variety and modding, instead of having both. I feel Bethesda relies on modders to finish their game for them now rather than add to it.
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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:09 pm

Yes please!

Lots of weapons I like form the previous games are missing. At first new modding options look fun, but after some hours of playing there are like 4-5 weapons to shoot with.

I like Fallout 3 more, but New Vegas did a great job with weapon and ammo variety.

Add back the chinese AR, 1911, 10mm SMG, pump action shotgun, 5.56 mm pistol, some LMG would be nice to go with the power armor. Oh and some lever action rifles, I loved them in NV. Allow us to mod the .44 pistol to .38. I am left with thousands of .38s


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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:54 pm

I like this human.

Well said. It is not unreasonable at all to ask for things that were in previous games. Its not unrealistic, it is not about any inability to "move on," and it damn sure has nothing to do with "oh, that doesn't fit in the universe"...especially when those things requested are included in previous iterations.

For the life of me, I don't understand people arguing against choice and variety in a product from a company that gets paid to provide as much as their consumers will allow them to get away with.

The weapon design is terrible and makes little sense (I mean, it's very strange) outside of feeding an aesthetic vision and limiting choice and variety so the mod system could be implemented well as Bethesda's apparent desire for us to play the game they want us Power Armor with Energy Weapons.

Aesthetics alone for the primary instruments by which we engage this world is a poor design foundation. It was never the overriding concern before, (that was what the world and environmental design was for), and as such it yielded more choice and variety, giving players more latitude. The mod system is far more restricting and eye-rollingly strange than I ever thought it was going to be. I like it for the pipe gun system but not really for anything else...especially when almost everything ends up looking virtually identical for ballistic weaponry.

Hell, at this point, I'm reduced to just ask for a Chinese Assault Rifle, so I can use the pile of 5.56 I'm sitting on. This is not a position I ever thought I would be in with a Bethesda FO game...feeling restricted...restricted by design decisions meant to attract Steampunk addicts more than nything else.

Again. Well said....and good thread.

EDIT: I just noticed your name. I actually have one!
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Marlo Stanfield
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:39 pm

You do realise that more weapon types equals more quality right?

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:34 pm

You do realize that what counts as quality is subjective right?

To me, more story and more places to explore is quality dlc. The only thing adding a dlc focused on adding weapons would do is piss me off. I would put a gun pack dlc right up there with the horse armor dlc fiasco. It wouldn't be quality to me, it would be pointless filler.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:14 pm

I would much rather have a gun pack of quality weapons up front than any additional places to explore or story content right now. I'm in the hundreds of hours and haven't come close to seeing and exploring everything yet. That can wait. Providing an effective shoulder-fired battle rifle is what this game needs right now; and perhaps expanding that to a few other well chosen weapon types to breath some life into an uninspiring inventory of small arms, and the currently unbalanced and regressive ammo system, would make this game feel better.

And I don't think anyone is asking for a weapon DLC filled with a pile of junk weapons. We pretty much already have that covered in the base game.

Horse armor was a Bethesda debacle. Obsidian had the decency to give us GRA. There was pure gold to be had in there.
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Anthony Santillan
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:21 pm

I agree, the current "aesthetic" is fine for vanilla . . . though a _bit_ more variety that reflects Bethesda's current vision would still be nice. For example, I have yet to encounter a .45 pistol, and several other minor types that I think could be represented in the vanilla else DLC-expanded game. Still, I prefer they spend most of their continued development effort on more stories, more maps, basically adding additional full-sets of content to the game; but identifying the gaps in the current vanilla weapon set and filling those in with 6 to 12 additional weapons wouldn't seem to be asking too much, no?

I played a very heavily modded FO3 and one or more of my mods added many common military small arm from the 20th century into the game. It was awesome even though it wouldn't be appropriate to the vanilla game.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:27 pm

My main gripe is with the assault rifle. I have a highly modded one that I don't even like using because it's so damn ugly. They need more of a selection for assault rifles.

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Calum Campbell
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:04 pm

Funny, because a weapon DLC filled with a pile of junk weapons is exactly what the Gun Runners dlc was. The weapons in the four actual good quality dlc was far better than any of the gimicky trash that the GRA had. No, I'm not willing to sacrifice actual quality Bethesda dlc for a pointless weapons fluff pack dlc. And before you say I wouldn't have to sacrifice an actual quality dlc for the stupid weapons pack, knowing the way the game industry is going at the moment that is exactly what would happen.

Mark my words, if they sacrifice a dlc with more story and new places in favor of a weapons dlc there will be a LOT of pissed off people.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:58 pm

Apparently cannot put a rifle stock on it :(

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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:25 pm

Funny. Didn't see it that way at all. It gave us quality weapons, abilities, ammo and mods.

It gave us quality ammo to include .50 MG Explosive rounds and a new string of effective handloads like 5.56 match, as well as 5mm and 9mm. It also gave us Vigilant Recycler for Energy weapon fiends.

It gave us the 25mm APW with mods, Li'l Devil, Battle Rifle, 5.56 Pistol and Medicine Stick. Not gimmicky at all. Great weapons. Two that were once uniques now were available for companions. Medicine Stick was insanely powerful (very much like the 1895 is in RL) with the Cowboy perk.

They added Nuka Nades back in and expanded explosives crafting to include MFC grenades, MFC Clusters and Fat Mines. Of course the ability to triple mod weapons like the Tri-beam, 12.7 SMG, and assault rifle, and being able to mod the hunting revolver were a bonus. Of course that probably should have been in the main game, but at least they took the opportunity to correct what many saw as a design oversight.

Were there gimmicks? Sure, it's FO. Plenty of room for it. But some of it was gold. If it's all trash to you, then we see things so divergently that it's impossible to even coherently converse.

But to each their own.

Bethesda's base designs are flat. It won't take much for them to up the ante a bit.

It's also funny...since we're in such a laughing mood...that Obsidian managed to put out 4 high quality story DLCs AND several weapon packs, so the dramatic appeal to making terrible sacrifices rings more than a little hollow. Your assessment of the industry is honestly irrelevant to the conversation. Anything can be done if consumers demand they should. Bethesda isn't a charity and they damn sure aren't locked in to biennial release schedules.
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Rodney C
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:42 pm

You've got to be kidding me. Gun Runners' Arsenal added not only new weapons, but 40 new weapon mods, 27 new ammo crafting recipes , and an additional 17 unique weapons - the only one of which that I actually disliked was Bozar, and a new perk which gave you access to 5 new explosive crafting recipes.

The difference between GRA and the Horse Armor DLC is that GRA was ACTUALLY useful and added content to the game, while the horse armor was simply and aesthetic gimic. FO3 had 4 story DLCs while NV had 4 story DLCs (of the same quality as FO3) and 4 weapon/equipment packs. Nothing was sacrificed or taken away, so your argument is essentially invalid at this point (see profile picture).

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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:17 pm

GRA made sense for New Vegas cos the NCR had caravans and supply routes and factories and vendors that made those things.

Commonwealth has no such facilities, hence everyone is duct-taping a pipe onto a block of wood to make a pistol. And I much prefer it that way.

(also, the .50 cal sniper rifle in FO4 is near-enough the anti-material rifle already)
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:15 am

I want LESS weapons! but , to be more rewarding when discovered.

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Lauren Graves
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:19 pm

Then make it into the Bos/Institute Arsenal.... Seeing as the Institute made their own laser pistol/rifle.... then heres what should happen.

BoS Arsenal: Ballistic weapons, rifles, pistols, shotguns, pre-war lasers, gauss rifle/pistol, tesla cannon (old school weapons)

Institute Arsenal: Laser pistols, rifles, shotguns, melee weapons, laser swords (new school weapons)

Minutemen Arsenal: variety of cobbled together weapons, laser flintlock pistol, (revolutionary mid-way school)

These can be part of the free small DLCs BGS said they would sell.

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Neko Jenny
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:37 pm

I really think that have like less than 6 weapons platforms for guns is ridiculous like pipe guns, 2 .45 cals, and like one 556 is kinda shameful (btw I wasn't listing the guns at all) i just think it is very strange to have like one gun type for each caliber if that makes sense and I think the submachine gun is very under powered it is equivalent to the pipe gun which is weird most of this was just a rant (not well organized)

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