I'm working on a way to integrate the GRA DLC to the game in a way that feels less artificial. Adding weapons and mods to the common lists, more recipes, removing those annoying (GRA) tags and such.
However, I wonder about the best way to add the "custom" versions of existing weapons. I'd like to replace every weapon with its GRA variant (when it exists), but I can do it in 2 ways :
- changing all vanilla weapons references to their GRA conterparts, or
- modifying vanilla weapons to accept GRA mods.
Both will create compatibility problems with other mods, but of a different kind :
- the first method will have compatibility issues with mods that modify leveled lists containing the changed weapons, and will not account for those weapons added by mods (without a patch). Also, it will need a patch for every DLC.
- the second method will have compatibility issues with every mod that changes the same weapons, but won't require any patch for other mods. It also requires more work, but eh...
So, fellow modders, what do you think ? Which way shall I go ?
Also, if you have another idea, please share !